Medication Blog

Get Help Paying For Asthma Medication

Asthma is a respiratory condition that crates spasms in the bronchi of the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe. Asthma can be form hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction. Having difficulty breathing make asthma a dangerous disease. When your airways are obstructed it could be a life or death situation. That is why it is...
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Effectiveness of Generic Drugs

When a new drug comes out, there is a certain time period that the generic cannot be released. The new drugs in the US that have been released a couple years back like drugs for hypertension, reflux disease and osteoporosis are now available for generics to be released. In the US, three-quarters of the prescriptions...
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Living Healthy With Type 2 Diabetes

Obesity has become popular in America. The food portions are growing larger and so are out bellies. There are 29 million American children and adults that have diabetes and there are even more that are undiagnosed. Type 2 diabetes is usually discovered in ones adulthood. 90-95 out of 100 people that have diabetes have type...
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Small Businesses Deal with New Healthcare System

Healthcare has been a major topic of discussion lately, especially in political views. Many people think is should be free in the U.S. while others think we should pay for it. In 2015, there were 8.6 million people that enrolled for healthcare benefits from the Federal Government. Between the dates of November 1, 2015 and...
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Medication to Help Those with Depression & Diabetes

People who are suffering from both diabetes and depression have to take different medications to treat both. But now, there was a study done to show that taking depression medication can help with diabetes instead of treating both with multiple medications. This could potentially be very helpful for people whom have difficulties keeping their blood...
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How To Find The Best Prescription Prices

The prices of prescription medication continue to rise and the new year of 2016 does not show any promising changed on the costs of medication. Even with laws like the Affordable Health Care Act, it is hard for many people to afford their prescription medication. “A recent poll found that a third of those currently...
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Get Help Paying For Diabetes Medications

There are 29 million people in America that currently have type 2 diabetes that are older than the age 20. Type 2 diabetes is when blood sugar levels rise. This means that your body does not insulin properly and you have to inject insulin to control the levels. Type 2 diabetes is the most common...
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Understanding Prescription Assistance Programs (PAPs) (INFOGRAPHIC)

Prescription drugs have been rising in cost ever since they were created. Many people in the United States do not have insurance and have to pay for their medications out of pocket. Programs like Advocate My Meds are prescription assistance programs (PAPs) that help pay for medication in full or most of the cost for...
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Get The RX Help You Need

Medications can become extremely expensive without insurance. And if you need more than one, the prices stack up high and fast. For those who need the RX help, there are prescription assistance programs available that will pay in full or most of the cost for those who qualify. We will discuss the high costs of...
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How to Get Help Paying Asthma Medication

Asthma, bronchitis, and other breathing problems that are similar require medications such as an inhaler. These medications can add up and become very expensive, especially for those who do not have insurance. The cost of medication is rising, but the minimum wage is staying still so how are people supposed to afford their medications? There...
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