Medication Blog

Prescription Drug Abuse in Missouri

There is news about prescription drugs being abused with the dealers of the prescription drugs being from the dealers own doctors. This has become a problem because the state of Missouri does not have a prescription drug database, so doctors do not know if a patient has already been prescribed a drug. The patients have...
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Busting the Top 5 Myths about Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are abnormally high for prolonged periods of time. Symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst and hunger, numbness of feet and impact on vision. Diabetes is one of the most common diseases worldwide but if diagnosed and treated on time it could be well controlled and the patients...
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Myths Busted | Asthma

Asthma being one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases of the airways is widely prevalent in all parts of the world and between all age brackets. Shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing are the common symptoms of this disease. However, there are some myths about asthma that have little or no close connection to...
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Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes is a concern in itself, much more so during a delicate condition such as pregnancy when your body is going through major hormonal and physical changes at a rapid pace. Childbirth becomes a critical matter if a woman has been reported being diabetic prior to conceiving but some women develop symptoms of diabetes during...
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4 Dietary Tips for Diabetics

Diabetes is a rising epidemic all over the world, and as the condition escalates in patients, the costs of medication and treatment needed increase at every step too. Healthy changes in lifestyle, however, are said to be an effective approach to cut down on the health risks associated with this disease. Diet comes first when...
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COPD — Causes and Symptoms

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a kind of obstructive lung disease. Characterized by poor airflow to the lungs, this disease usually worsens with time and can spiral out of control if not treated properly in time. In developing nations, smoking is said to be one of the most common causes of COPD while dealing...
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Ways to Get the Most Out of Medications

For every condition or disease there is like diabetes, hypertension, or heart failure, there are medications for. Medications are prescribed because they perform a specific task to help with the problem it is prescribed for. The physicians that prescribe them follow guidelines that will help provide the best drug for the problem. Over-the-counter drugs and...
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How to Get Help Paying For Lyrica

In America, there is an estimated 3 million people that have developed epilepsy. That is 1 in 26 people who have it or will develop epilepsy. Two-thirds of the patients who develop epilepsy are unknown of Lyrica the cause, but there are treatments for it. One of the treatments for epilepsy is Lyrica. Lyrica is...
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The 411 on Patient Assistance for Cymbalta

There comes a time when we have to get prescription medication to help ourselves whether it is for physical or mental health. Prescription medication can get very expensive. Medication can cost up to $100, and even more for less common conditions. I know when I get my paycheck, I don’t want it all going straight...
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Managing Diabetes in Elderly

Diabetes is starting to become common in the older generations. Elderly need more medication and care as they get older. “In 1993, 41% of the 7.8 million people diagnosed with diabetes were over 65 years of age.” Different doctors have variables of care and treatment. It is important for elderly to go to the doctor...
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