Medication Blog

Want to Finance Your Prescription Medication? Here’s How

The chance to finance your prescription medication has never been this easy. With Advocate My Meds, we make the process as easy as possible so that you can be on your way to getting the medication you need to live your life to the absolute fullest. Financing Your Prescription Medication Obtaining the medication you need...
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Potential Fall Asthma Triggers and How to Avoid Them

There are a surprising number of fall asthma triggers that make having proper asthma medication on hand a necessity as the leaves turn brown. If your asthma gets worse in the fall months, you aren’t alone. You may just need to be a little more wary of what those potential triggers could be. Fall Asthma...
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Looking for a Discount on Prescriptions? We Cover Most Medication

Wondering if Advocate My Meds covers the prescription medications you need? Thanks to an extensive list we recently built on our website, now you can know for sure. Our services are designed to help the people who need it most get the medication they need. To get a discount on prescriptions, all you need to...
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Is Prescription Drug Assistance The Same As Insurance?

One of the most common questions we get is if the prescription drug assistance we offer is the same as medical insurance. In short, no it isn’t, although there are some similarities. It is, however, important to stress that our program is NOT affiliated with any health care provider, Medicare, state, or governmental program. Two...
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How to Keep Your Prescription Drugs Safe

Americans use a lot of prescription drugs, and unfortunately, they can often end up in the wrong hands. You can easily prevent that from happening by taking the right steps and using a little bit of vigilance. Let’s face it, prescription drugs are expensive. So expensive, in fact, that many people can’t afford the drugs...
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The Ins and Outs of How Prescription Programs Work

Many people still haven’t heard of prescription programs and wonder how it works. These kinds of medication assistance programs are designed to help people afford medications they normally can’t. Medication can be incredibly expensive for people without insurance, and often people simply can’t fit paying for medication into their budget. Programs like Advocate My Meds...
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Things to Know About Medication for Diabetes Care

Diabetes care is complex, and taking medication is a big part of proper maintenance for well being. Medication combined with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and regular contact with a physician can help diabetics live a long, healthy, and happy life. There are plenty of different medications available for diabetes care. It’s crucial to work...
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Fall Tips for a Diabetes Diet

With fall upon us, there are different foods available. When you have diabetes, it essential to stick to a healthy diabetes diet to keep your condition in check. As with anyone else, even people who don’t have diabetes, staying in shape and healthy requires sticking to a healthy, whole, well-rounded diet year-round, and working with...
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Get Help Paying for Spiriva through Advocate My Meds

Spiriva is a medication that helps patients with breathing problems. It is known as a bronchodilator, which is a medication that expands the bronchi and bronchioles of the lungs to increase airflow and decrease breathing resistance. If you have a prescription, help paying for Spiriva is available for you through Advocate My Meds. Who is...
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No Prescription Coverage? Options do Exist

In the United States today, over 60 percent of people report using one or more prescription drugs in the past year according to an abstract by The Commonwealth Fund called “Issues in International Health Policy.” Of those people, almost 20% report using 4 or more prescriptions. In recent years, the use of prescription drugs has...
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