Medication Blog

Mental Health vs. Physical Health

Mental and physical health have a strong connection. Having mental health issues can create physical health and physical health issues can create mental health issues. They each have separate side effects but they do end up affecting each other. Mental Health Depression is a mental disease that greatly affects physical health. Those who have depression...
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How to Get Asthma RX Assistance and Pay for Your Doctor’s Visits

Asthma medication is expensive. This is a fact that sufferers of the condition will testify to. It’s also non-discriminatory, which means that a rich person or a child is as likely to get it, as a poor or elderly person. While securing asthma medicine is every easy for the rich and the insured, finding medication...
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Research that Antidepressants May Increase Depression

Antidepressants are drugs that are used to treat disorders like major depressive disorders, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, sleep disorder and many others. Mood disorders like bipolar disease are also treated by antidepressant. Bipolar disorder consists of episodes with mood swings that range from depressive lows to manic highs. According to Rif S. El-Mallakh, M.D., director...
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Disposing Dangerous Medications

Medication can be dangerous in the wrong hands. If you have this kind of medication it should be kept hidden or locked up if you live with other people for your safety and their’s. When the medication expires it should be disposed a certain way to be safe from others and the environment. Here are...
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How Does Prescription Drug Assistance Work?

There are new drugs being created and released every year and with those releases of drugs, the rises of prescription drugs are increasing. In the year of the baby boom the population greatly increased. Now that population is growing in age every year. “From 1994 to 2003, prescription drug spending rose at double-digit rates each...
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Martin Shkreli Raises Drug by 5,000%

The price of prescription drugs are rapidly increasing. Just in 2014, they have rose by 11% and doubled in the overall rise of medic cost. Just recently, a 62 year old drug called Daraprim tablet that is used to fight against a life threatening parasite, toxoplasmosis has raised in price by 5,000%. Over $60 million...
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The Cost of COPD and RX Financial Assistance Programs

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a condition that isn’t just physically draining, but financially as well. No one knows this bitter truth better but those who are suffering from it and know from firsthand experience how harrowing and stressful the entire ordeal can prove to be. Not only is help costly but often enough, sufferers...
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Rising Prices of Prescription Drugs

“A new Kaiser Health poll shows that most Americans think prescription drug costs in this country are unreasonable, and that drug companies put profits before people. Want to know something? They’re right.” With the rise of technology, the rise of prescription drug mediation also rising. Does it make sense that companies are finding more cost...
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Medicare Part D Updates

Congress created Medicare and put it into effect in 2006. It is a drug insurance program. Traditional Medicare does not cover prescription drugs. A new plan is chosen every year by Medicare beneficiaries and they vary by state with around 25 different options of plans. This makes choosing a plan that will fit a patient...
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How to Reduce Medication Costs

Medication can be costly. If you have more than one, the prices can add up even if you do have insurance. Paying out of pocket for prescriptions that help one life a better life is unfair. Most people are not able to get insurance because of their job or income. Whether you insurance, Medicare Part...
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