Medication Blog

How to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Along with Medication

What is High Blood Sugar? You may have had a doctor tell you that you have high blood sugar levels, but what does that mean? High blood sugar refers to when the blood cannot effectively take sugar from blood to process it into newly made cells. High blood sugar levels have to be monitored and...
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How to get Prescription Assistance for Fertility Shots

It is often said that the birth of a baby is a miracle. For many, it may not be the result of a miracle, but the result of science. Many women struggle with the fact that their bodies are less likely to carry children than others. Fortunately, many of these women have a higher chance...
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Prescription Help: Why Use Patient Assistance Programs?

Prescription medications range from treating the average flu to treating the worst of medical ailments. They are prescribed during 66% of the doctor visits in America to help patients with a number of different medical ailments. The utilizing of correct medications can help patients recover faster and more effectively, but not having access to them...
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New Kidney? We Can Help with Transplant Rejection Medication

Getting a new kidney is cause for enough worry, why would you want to have to worry about paying for transplant rejection medications? Advocate My Meds was developed to help the millions of Americans that can’t pay for their prescription medications, whether it be because they have little or no prescription medication insurance. Transplant rejection...
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Financial Patient Assistance for Preterm Delivery Medication

One of every ten births in the United States is a preterm delivery. A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks, and anything from 20 to 37 weeks is considered a preterm delivery. These early deliveries are a result of either other complications that require a preterm birth to protect the child or are unplanned as...
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Getting Financial Aid for Prostate Cancer Medications

Patients diagnosed with prostate cancer are often prescribed medication to help lower their testosterone levels to provide them with their best chance of recovery. The problem is that millions of Americans are without medical insurance that covers the high costs of their treatments, or they have minimal policies that don’t help with prescriptions. Without being...
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Can’t Afford Your Medication for Parkinson’s Disease?

What is Parkinson’s Disease? Parkinson’s Disease is known as a movement disorder since it attacks the central nervous system, which when affected can impair movement. It is a progressive disorder, meaning that symptoms of the disease get worse over time. Additionally, there is no cure for this disease; once a patient is diagnosed they are...
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How Do I Get a Discount for Hereditary Angioedema Treatment?

What is Hereditary Angioedema? Hereditary Angioedema, or HEA, is an extremely rare disease that is passed through genetics. The swelling of body parts is the symptom that characterizes the disease. Those diagnosed with this disease do not produce the necessary amount of the C1-INH protein, and as a result, the body tries to compensate by...
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Need Help Paying for Osteoarthritis Knee Treatment?

Millions of Americans are affected by the pain that Osteoarthritis brings every year. But, for many of these people, treatment cannot be attained because of the rising cost of medications. With the return of a republican president, the affordable care act is now being threatened. Without a known replacement for the healthcare system put into...
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Helping Patients Pay their Medication for AIP Symptoms

Having a disease is one thing, but not being able to pay for medication for that disease is another. Patients with AIP symptoms are currently struggling to afford their prescription medications. In a country filled with corporate greed, big pharmaceuticals are continuing to take advantage of people that require their medications to live and function...
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