Medication Blog

Tips for A Healthy Diabetes Diet

People with diabetes, especially those who are newly diagnosed, often find themselves wondering what kind of food they should eat, or if there is a specific diabetes diet. The short answer is that as with anybody, diabetic or not, there is no one exact diet that is perfect for all. However, eating healthy food should...
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Keeping Common Prescription Drugs Safe

When prescribed any kind of medicine, it is incredibly important to make sure the script stays in the right hands, even if it one of the most common prescription drugs. Unfortunately, there is an epidemic of drug use in America, and many times people are stealing drugs right from the cabinets of their families and...
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Help With the Cost of Zetia

Zetia (ezetimibe) is in a class of lipid-lowering compounds that selectively inhibits the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and related phytosterols. Find out more about getting help with the cost of Zetia. What is Zetia prescribed for? Zetia is used to treat high cholesterol. Zetia is sometimes given with other cholesterol-lowering medications. How does Zetia work?...
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Foot Care for Diabetics

Foot care is one of the basic necessities of every individual, and when it is about diabetic patients it gets way too serious than a normal foot care routine. A foot infection or ailment often results in the loss of one of the limbs and that’s a risk no diabetic patient should ever take. Whether...
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Insulin Rx Financial Assistance

The high cost of prescription drugs deter many individuals from receiving the life- saving medication they need to live long productive lives. Although, most pharmacies throughout the United States offer some medications for free, through a private or government funded programs, most medications are not free. In fact, a single medication prescription can cause $100s...
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Interesting Facts About Asthma

How would you like to live in the constant fear of not being able to breathe, or speak, or call out someone for help? This is what asthmatics live like every day! The condition may develop due to an array of different reasons, the facts surrounding it are sufficient to highlight the seriousness of this...
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Care Tips for Type 2 Diabetic People

Diabetes should not be taken lightly. Caring for diabetes helps to reduce risk of complications that may occur as a result. Here are some of the ways you can take care of a diabetic person. Here are tips for type 2 diabetic people. Healthy Diet A proper balance diet tends to delay and even prevent...
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MS and Treatments

March was National MS Education and Awareness Month. MS stands for Multiple sclerosis and is a neurological disorder. There are over 50 million Americans who are suffering with neurological disorders. These types of disorders are chronic and don’t always have treatments. But there has been recent studies that provide advances in therapeutic options for patients....
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Action Plan for Treating Asthma in Children

Asthma is a long-term disease in which the airways become inflamed causing trouble in breathing, tightness of chest and recurrent periods of coughs.  About seven million of the children in the USA are suffering from asthma. Even though asthma is an incurable disease, it is controllable through proper treatment. If the disease is not treated...
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4 Medical Conditions Diabetics Need to Be Careful About

Are you diabetic? Good news is, it’s not all doom if you are cautious about your condition and taking measures to keep it under control. Bad news is that your diabetes is not the only disease you need to be on the guards about. Diabetes puts patients at an increased risk of several medical complications...
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