Treat Cryptosporidium Diarrhea with a Discount Prescription

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Treat Cryptosporidium Diarrhea with a Discount Prescription

Treat Cryptosporidium Diarrhea with a Discount Prescription

0;”>Have you or a family member been diagnosed with Cryptosporidiosis? If so, you may have been prescribed a prescription medication called Alinia. This medication works to relieve one of the most common and irritating symptoms of the illness, Cryptosporidium diarrhea. If you are like many of the millions of Americans that struggle to pay the cost of prescription medications yearly, you may be qualified for help from Advocate My Meds. We are a company dedicated to helping those that cannot afford the cost of their needed prescription medications through patient assistance programs, which work to discount or completely cover the cost of hundreds of prescriptions, including Alinia.

What is Cryptosporidiosis?

Cryptosporidiosis, or frequently called Crypto, is diagnosed when there is the presence of cryptosporidium, a parasite that once entered into the body, leads to infection. This infection is most commonly noted through the characterizing symptom, cryptosporidium diarrhea. The infection can last weeks and often calls for the use of prescription medications so that patients do not become severely dehydrated. Since Crypto is caused by a parasite, it is highly contagious. Those diagnosed have encountered the parasite during daily life, and should be careful to stop the spread of the parasite in those surrounding. Crypto can be spread through:

  • Eating or drinking something that has come into contact with feces infested with the Crypto virus.
  • Accidentally swallowing water that has been used by someone with the Crypto virus like in a public swimming pool or hot tub.
  • Putting hands or fingers in mouth after becoming contaminated through touch.
  • Sexual intercourse.
  • Ingesting raw foods that contain the Crypto virus.

Symptoms of Cryptosporidiosis

The most common and defining symptom of Crypto is frequent and watery diarrhea. Other symptoms of Crypto may include cramping, stomach pains, fever, vomiting, loss of weight, and dehydration. These symptoms are often a result of the cryptosporidium diarrhea. This means that once the diarrhea is treated, many times other symptoms greatly reduce.

Treating Cryptosporidium Diarrhea with Alinia

If you have been diagnosed with Cryptosporidium parvum or another parasitic illness, Giardia lamblia, you may be prescribed with Alinia. Alinia is an oral tablet that is proven to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea in patients diagnosed with these parasitic conditions in as little as three days. Although the tablets help with symptoms of diarrhea, the medication is not intended to help with other symptoms like dehydration, vomiting, cramping, and stomach pain. Although, sometimes other symptoms of the condition are a result of the diarrhea itself. This medication is approved by the FDA and has proven well over the course of clinical trials. If you think that you are experiencing cryptosporidium diarrhea, talk to your doctor about a prescription for Alinia. Remember to tell your doctor of any previous medical condition or prescription that you may be taking that may interfere with Alinia before you take a new prescription.

Paying for your Cryptosporidium Diarrhea Prescription

If you are thinking of asking your doctor about a prescription for Alinia, or you already have a prescription, Advocate My Meds may be able to help you pay for the medication. We provide discounts or completely cover the cost of prescription medications for American who would otherwise not be able to afford them. Not being able to afford needed medications can be life threatening, and we believe that every American should be able to afford needed medicinal treatments. If you find yourself struggling to pay for a number of medications, not to worry! There is no limit to the number of medications that we can help a patient with. To find out if you qualify, check out our eligibility requirements listed on our website. Have other medications that you would like discounted? Check out our complete list of hundreds of prescribed medications that we help with! Have questions about our services? Give us a call today to talk to a patient assistance specialist at 877-596-1604.