Medication Blog

Do I Have Asthma?

As more information about chronic diseases and conditions becomes readily available on the internet, more and more people fall down the rabbit hole of self-diagnosis and the anxiety that can result from this type of behavior. Some people may research a condition just to know what it is! The medical definition is simple, but the...
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What to Make of Your Impetigo Diagnosis

If you’ve recently been given an impetigo diagnosis, or you think you may be suffering from impetigo, there are a few things you may need. Learning more about your impetigo diagnosis can help stop this contagious skin infection with you. And, it can help you find helpful resources which help to pay for your needed...
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Need To Know More About Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis affects many people in the United States. In fact, the US is one of the most impacted countries in our world. Even right now, there are about 70,000 individuals who are living with this illness all across the globe. Almost half of those people are living in the United States. Since this disease...
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Want To Know How To Fight Springtime Allergies?

It’s already March! Time for spring cleanings and blooming plants. Nature is beginning to come alive after the cold winter. And while all of the plants and animals are enjoying life, you’re coughing and sneezing. Your springtime allergies are kicking in. You need to fight the symptoms but you’re not sure how. Don’t panic. We’ve...
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What You Need to Know About Living With Ulcerative Colitis

How much do you really know about ulcerative colitis? Maybe you’ve heard of it and know what it is. Or, perhaps you’ve recently been diagnosed with it. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve ever even heard of this condition. Not to worry; we’ve got you covered. You’re about to learn everything you need to know about living...
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Information on Schizophrenia Medications

Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia? Or, do you know someone else who has this disorder? If the answer is “yes”, you may be wondering about medications and treatments that will work for you or your loved one. Maybe the doctor has given you a few different options and you’re not quite sure which route...
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Are You Still Looking For the Best Acne Care?

Acne is a common skin issue. In fact, it’s the most commonly occurring skin condition in America. It is usually associated with young adults or adolescents. But acne affects people of varying ages, including middle-aged adults. Finding the best acne care can be hard because there are so many options out there. Sometimes, this can...
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About Hepatitis C: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

Hepatitis C affects many Americans every year. This disease impacts people of varying ages, from baby boomers to young people in their 20’s. Although there are treatment options available, it’s important to note that Hepatitis C is a serious disease that must be handled with care. So, it’s good to know more about Hepatitis C...
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Top 5 Commonly Diagnosed Women’s Health Issues

When it comes to gender, health issues are not always equal. While there are a number of conditions which affect both men and women similarly, there are a number of conditions which affect men and women differently. Understanding the difference between how health issues differ between genders can help individuals decide upon treatment methods. And,...
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Helping Recovering Addicts with Their Suboxone Prescription

With the opioid epidemic sweeping the nation and about 100 people dying from overdose each day in the U.S., addiction is a disease families have to face all the time. Fortunately, treatment is effective in helping individuals get the help they need and recover from addiction. However, there is no one magic pill which cures...
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