Medication Blog

What You Need to Know About Concussion

A concussion is one of the most common traumatic brain injuries that change how your brain functions. The word concussion is a derivative of the Latin word concutere, which means to shake violently.

Types of STIs You Should Know About

Many people are unsure about the differences between sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you’re one of them, you should know that an STI is where a parasite, virus, or bacteria will attack your body and transform into an STD if it’s not diagnosed and treated on time. Infections usually show...
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Myths About Anti-Depressants

Depression can affect a patient’s personal, social, and professional life, leaving them feeling overwhelmed with life itself. Despite the benefits of anti-depressants, patients might be reluctant to start a dose due to baseless myths.

How To Manage Multiple Medications

Most people face trouble with multiple medications everyday. 40% of older adults take five or more prescription drugs. Here are a few ways you can easily manage multiple medications.

What Are Lymphomas: A Detailed Guide

Lymphoma is a kind of blood cancer that can develop in the lymphatic system. It can be either Hodgkin lymphoma or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Some of these lymphomas are curable, while others can be handled with medication.

Kidney Stones: Causes and Treatment Options

Kidney stones can originate along the urinary tract and deposit in your kidneys. They’re made of minerals and salts and can affect any part of your urinary tract, from your bladder to your kidneys.

How to Manage Insomnia

If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, you may be experiencing insomnia. Simple lifestyle changes can help you get a good night sleep.

Paget’s Disease: A Detailed Guide

Paget’s disease is a chronic bone disease. So, our old pieces of bone are usually replaced by new pieces of bone. However, this process of remodeling the bone is abnormal in this condition. It makes the bone grow in an abnormal shape that’s also weak and brittle.

Things to Know About Acute Gout

Over three million Americans are currently diagnosed with gout, which results in pain and swelling in the big toe, joints, and wrists. Although prescription drugs can help manage the symptoms of acute gout, it’s better to protect yourself than to seek a cure for this painful condition. In this blog today, we’ll tell you all the important...
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