How to Manage Your Mental Health Symptoms

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How to Manage Your Mental Health Symptoms

Mental health symptoms

Living with a mental illness isn’t easy. Mental health includes your psychological, emotional, and social well-being. In simpler words, your mental health affects how you act, feel, react to changes, and make choices. Your mental health has a direct impact on your quality of life, and so medical conditions like anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, ADHD, depression, borderline personality disorder, obsessive cleaning disorder, Schizophrenia, and PTSD require professional help.

In this article, we will teach you how to manage your mental health symptoms. So, without further ado, let’s begin.

1. Prioritize Yourself

Feeling down, lack of energy, or being hard on yourself are some of the most common mental health symptoms. While you might not always have the mind to compliment yourself or think about the positives of life, try doing some activity that gives you the feeling of accomplishment and be a bit compassionate. Solve a crossword puzzle, take a dance class, paint, or simply help someone out. This will give you a reason to be proud of yourself.

2. Stick to a Treatment Plan

When you are dealing with mental health symptoms, following the treatment plan to the tee is one of the most effective ways to stay healthy and happy. This means that even if you feel better, do not stop taking medications or going to therapy. Unlike other medical problems, mental health-related issues are very sensitive, which means that the symptoms can be triggered at any moment. Work with your doctor to adjust your treatment plan safely, and reach out to Advocate My Meds to get financial assistance for prescriptions.

3. Take Care of Your Body

Eating healthy, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly will also help control your mental health symptoms. While a balanced diet with lots of water can improve your focus and keep you energized throughout the day, exercising only for 30 minutes can significantly improve your physical health and boost your mood.

Little do people know that sticking to a sleeping schedule is the most effective way to stay physically and mentally fit. Therefore, make sure that you reduce the blue light exposure from your computer and phone before bedtime and sleep at least eight hours a day.

4. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Even though meditation is an annoying cliché when it comes to mental health, it is still the best way to control your anxiety and depression. If meditating every day seems like a challenging task, we recommend following the “5-3-7” rule of breathing:

  • Breathe in for 5 seconds.
  • Hold your breath for three seconds.
  • Slowly breathe out for 7 seconds.

Doing so keeps you calm, helps your body in relaxing, and creates a stronger bond between your mind and body. Make sure to stay positive and remind yourself about everything you are grateful for.

Get Mental Disabilities Prescription Assistance

No matter what type of mental or psychological condition you are dealing with, Advocate My Meds will help you gain access to a diverse array of medication at an affordable price. For mental disabilities prescription assistance, contact us today!