Effective Arthritis Management Tips

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Effective Arthritis Management Tips

effective arthritis management tips

Arthritis is a degenerative condition that involves severe inflammation and pain in joints. There are a lot of things that you can do to manage this chronic condition, such as following a balanced diet, taking necessary vitamins, exerting less strain on joints, and meditating as much as you can. This article will teach you five effective arthritis management tips. Keep reading!

1. Get Enough Exercise

Being physically active is a drug-free way to effectively manage arthritis. It helps you improve mood, function, and quality of life, and most importantly, reduces pain. Regular exercise contributes to weight control, improved brain health, bone health, and sleep. Taking part in any physical activity (walking, cycling, tai chi, swimming, and water activities) reduces the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease and manages in case you have them.

However, it is advised not to overdo any physical activity. Perform workouts in small sessions and take breaks to ensure that you are not putting extra strain on your muscles and joints.

2. Meditate

Relaxation techniques and meditation can not only help in reducing arthritis pain by lowering stress but also enable your body to cope with it in a better way. Controlling stress plays an important role in lowering inflammation and pain. Whether you want to practice yoga, tai chi, or simple low-impact breathing exercises, meditation is one of the most effective arthritis management tips.

3. Try Hot and Cold Therapy

A list of effective arthritis management tips is incomplete without hot and cold therapy. Both treatments work wonders in relieving arthritis pain and reducing inflammation.

  • Cold Therapy: Helps in relieving swelling, inflammation, and joint pain. Take a frozen bag of vegetables or wrap a gel ice pack in a towel and place it over the painful joint. This will give you quick pain relief.
  • Hot Therapy: Take a long warm bath or shower in the morning to ease stiffness between muscles and joints. You can also use an electric blanket or heating pad to reduce inflammation and discomfort.

4. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to reduce the strain on your joints. In fact, movements like getting in and out of a chair or climbing and descending stairs can put extra weight on your knee and hip joints. Therefore, losing even a single pound can help in reducing joint pain, especially if you engage in activities that put extra strain on your hips and knees.

5. Use Mobility Aids

From a crutch to a walker and a cane, mobility aid is designed to provide you with the help and assistance you need. Taking the pressure away from your hip or knee, a mobility aid will help in effectively managing arthritis while allowing you to perform everyday tasks easily.

Get the Best Full-Service Prescription Assistance Programs

Did you know that 58.5 million people in the United States have arthritis? This is 24% of all adults. An autoimmune disease, arthritis directly impacts your quality of life. This is why it is important to follow the aforementioned effective arthritis management tips and follow your doctor’s prescription religiously.Click here to get financial assistance for prescriptions from Advocate My Meds.