Medication Blog

8 Diseases to Protect Your Infants Against in 2023

For parents, protecting their children’s health is always a top priority. As new pathogens keep popping up, the number of diseases to keep your child safe also keeps increasing. Here are the eight infant diseases you should keep your children safe from in 2023.

How to Treat Fever in Babies and Infants

Fever in babies and infants can be a worrying experience for parents, but it is a common occurrence and usually not a serious condition. A fever is defined as a body temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) and is typically a sign that the body is fighting an infection. In this article, we will...
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Key Differences Between Psoriasis and Eczema

Psoriasis and eczema are two very common skin conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Both are chronic conditions that can quickly become uncomfortable and frustrating.

What To Do If You’ve Been Termed Pre-Diabetic?

Diabetes is closely related to insulin resistance and the issues people have in their diets when dealing with highly processed food. Diabetes grows more common worldwide, especially in developed countries with a more sedentary lifestyle than others.

Type 1 Diabetes: Symptoms and Treatments

We all know about the dangers of autoimmune disease: diabetes. Diabetes is undoubtedly a scary word that has changed many people’s lives around the world. It is one of the most common diseases, and unfortunately, the bad news is the cases are only increasing over time.

Skin Cancer and Its Treatments

Our skin is the barrier between our body and the environment; it forms a protective layer on our vital organs to make sure we are safe. But despite being the biggest organ in our body and playing a crucial role in protecting the rest of our organs, our skin is surprisingly delicate.