Medication Blog

Fibromyalgia – A Chronic Disease

Ever heard of the chronic disease Fibromyalgia? It is a disease that causes pain, depression, sleep loss, and more, the patients who have Fibromyalgia have to live with these symptoms every single day. Here is an outline on more information on the chronic disease Fibromyalgia. What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia creates intense pain by affecting the...
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4 Ways To A Healthy Pregnancy

Being pregnant can be overwhelming with many things you have to do before the baby comes, especially if it is your first child. Being pregnant can bring emotions like fear and an anxiety. The best ways to help prevent these emotions from happening is being prepared. Looking for the right books on a healthy pregnancy...
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Top 5 Common Prescription Drugs

Prescription medications are becoming widely common in America. According to The Mayo Clinic, there are 70% of Americans that are taking at least one prescription drug. A study was done in 2015 that tracked the sales at the pharmacy level for drug companies and there was $374 billion spent on drugs in America in total...
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Medicines for Osteoporosis in Development Give Patients Hope

Although American’s are living longer and having healthier lives, the risk of breaking a bone from osteoporosis is still high. “Each year, 2 million broken bones are attributed to osteoporosis and that number is expected to increase to 3 million broken bones a year by 2025.” But there is hope in the future for those...
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Ways To A Healthier Heart

One of the leading causes of death in the United States is heart disease. If it is so common, wouldn’t more people want to take positive actions to have a healthy heart? There are simple but important ways to help have a healthy heart. In the United States, heart disease takes one out of three...
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How to Spot Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is the inflammation of the airways causing it hard for the person to breathe. The airways are called bronchial tubes and when they are inflamed, the air cannot come in and out of the lungs as easy. The muscles around the airways will tighten and sometimes trigger the symptoms. If you have trouble breathing...
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What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is a different kind of diabetes that is found in pregnant women who have not had high blood glucose levels before the pregnancy. What is it really and how does it happen? Well, according to a 2014 analysis by the center for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of gestational diabetes is 9.2%...
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Bill Proposed to Recycle Unused Drugs

Drugs are disposed all the time from health workers or patients from being unused. Because there are so many unused medications being thrown away, a bill is being proposed to save the unused prescription drugs and have them donated to the needy. Rep. Gage Froerer, R-Huntsville, is sponsoring this proposal for Utah. H.B. 236 Charitable...
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Tips For Getting Discount Prescriptions

There are many different discount options for prescription drugs that paying full price would be foolish. Even if you do not have insurance, there are still ways to get discounts or even fully paid prescription medication. With so man options available know ad advertisements, which ones can be trusted and which ones are scams? Here...
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8 Asthma Facts

Asthma is a common breathing condition that can occur in people of all ages. There are many types of treatments for asthma that are natural remedies or medications but there is still no cure. Treating asthma is a combination of medication, healthy diet, and exercising. If you or a loved one has asthma, here are...
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