Exploring Allergic Conditions: Allergies and Sensitivities

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Exploring Allergic Conditions: Allergies and Sensitivities

Exploring Allergic Conditions: Allergies and Sensitivities

“>Did you know that allergic conditions may vary? For example, what might make you break out in hives may only cause slight irritation of the skin for another individual with an allergy to the same thing. Exploring the differences between allergies and sensitivities can help you identify the severity of your allergic condition and also help you to understand exactly what is going on within your body that causes an allergic reaction in the first place.

The Difference between Allergies and Sensitivities

Obviously, the difference between a full-blown allergic reaction and an allergic sensitivity is how the body responds to either. With the allergic reaction, more aggravating and less manageable symptoms may occur. With a sensitivity, an individual may still experience debilitating and aggressive symptoms, but they are less severe. This is all due to the body’s way of fighting against either. With true allergic reactions, the body recognizes proteins that are viewed as a threat to the health and safety of the body. So, allergic reactions are actually the body’s way of attempting to fight off the invasive chemical the body has an allergy to. With allergic sensitivities, instead of the immune system, the digestive system fights off what the body is reacting to. Whatever is ingested that causes the sensitivity is something the body may be intolerant of, so the digestive system attempts to rid the body of the intruder, hence the symptoms of the sensitivity.

Exploring Allergic Conditions and Their Symptoms

With an allergic condition, the body’s immune system is prepared to fight off foreign invaders, not unlike when it fights off the common cold. It will prepare to fight by introducing antibodies into the bloodstream that attack the foreign intruder, which are the main cause of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. So, symptoms of an allergic reaction are not caused by the body responding to the element it does not recognize, i.e. allergic to, but is responding to the body’s reaction in attempting to fight it off. Symptoms of allergic conditions may include:

  • Swelling of the skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Hives on the skin
  • Lightheadedness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Weezing

Exploring Allergic Sensitivities and Their Symptoms

Believe it or not, allergic sensitivities are much more common than severe allergic reactions. There are three types of sensitivities that you may be affected with. Identifying the type of sensitivity may help you and your doctor identify the proper form of treatment. Types of sensitivities include:

Intolerances: Otherwise known as metabolic food disorder, this type of sensitivity is a response to something the body cannot break down into nutrients. An example of this type of sensitivity would be a lactose intolerance. Those who cannot digest lactose, a type of sugar found in dairy products, experience the symptoms of their digestive system ridding the body of the nonmetabolizable substance.

Food Idiosyncrasies: These types of allergic sensitivities are caused by reasons unknown, but they involve a bodily response not of the immune system. Since symptoms resemble allergic conditions exactly, it may be challenging to tell a food idiosyncrasy from a food allergy. Examples of specific food idiosyncrasies include when individuals are affected by migraines after eating specific foods, Chinese food syndrome, and sulfate-induced asthma.

Anaphylactoid Responses: The most comparable to a true allergic response, these types of sensitivities include the release of histamines much like during an allergic response. But, these sensitivities are still not addressed by the immune system. The specific cause of this type of reaction is still unknown but differs from anaphylactic responses as they are responded to by the immune system.

Paying for Treatment for Allergic Conditions

If you or a loved one is affected by allergic conditions or sensitivities, talk to your doctor about an accurate diagnosis. An accurate diagnosis is the only way to find out which medications may help symptoms of your condition. Once prescribed with treatment, Advocate My Meds may be able to help you with the cost of your prescriptions. We help many Americans who would otherwise struggle to pay the cost of their medications due to a lack of or little medical insurance coverage. To find out if you qualify to receive discounts or coverage on your allergic condition prescription, visit our website or give us a call today at 877-596-1604.