Want To Know How To Fight Springtime Allergies?

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Want To Know How To Fight Springtime Allergies?

Want To Know How To Fight Springtime Allergies?

It’s already March! Time for spring cleanings and blooming plants. Nature is beginning to come alive after the cold winter. And while all of the plants and animals are enjoying life, you’re coughing and sneezing. Your springtime allergies are kicking in. You need to fight the symptoms but you’re not sure how. Don’t panic. We’ve got you covered!

Common Springtime Allergies and Symptoms

A lot of people suffer from seasonal allergies. In the spring, some people have trouble with the pollens and other allergens in the air. Here are some common springtime allergies:

Tree Pollen – The pollen of various trees can cause people to have allergic reactions. A few of these trees include Elm, Maple, Poplar, and Oak. When they release their pollen, people who have springtime allergies will begin to feel symptoms. Some individuals will have itchiness in the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. They might also sneeze a lot or be congested.

Weeds and Grasses – When it’s really windy, the pollens from grasses, trees, and weeds begin to float around a lot more. So, in the spring, when it’s breezy, people tend to feel the effects of springtime allergies. If you have an allergic reaction to these pollens, you might sneeze or cough. Your eyes may become watery and you could have a runny nose. But, you can get a little break from the floating allergens on the rainy days of spring.

Mold – Mold spores are always in the air. But, they usually cause the worst allergic reactions starting in the spring. The spores can be found both outdoors and inside your home. Symptoms of mold springtime allergies include itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, and congestion.

Another symptom of springtime allergies is nasal drip. Someone with these allergies may also have an itchy or sore throat or even a chronic headache. So, how exactly do you fight these symptoms?

How To Fight Back

If you’ve had to deal with allergies for a while, you know that they can really wear you down. But, it’s time to learn how to fight back! Although there is no cure to end your allergies forever, you can still fight them and reduce how much they affect you.

First, try to keep your doors and windows shut when you’re inside the house. This will keep the pollens and other allergens from blowing into your home.

Your shoes, jackets, and other outerwear can bring lots of pollen into your home. Remove them when you get inside and try to wash them ASAP. This will help lower the amount of pollens you bring into the house.

If you like to stay physically active, try to do so inside. People who go for morning jogs are actually exposing themselves to an abundance of pollen. There is a very large amount of pollen in the air between the hours of 5:00 and 10:00 in the morning. So, do your best to work out at the gym or in your living room. If you really want to go outside to get your exercise done, it’s best to do that at night.

When you start that spring cleaning at your house, use a vacuum cleaner that can thoroughly collect all of the allergens on the floor. If you’ve tracked any pollen into the house, a vacuum with a HEPA filter should be able to take care of that problem.

Need Prescription Medication?

Sometimes, people with springtime allergies need to take medication to help fight the symptoms. If you’re one who does need to take a prescription drug, don’t wait! You should start taking your medication quickly, before the symptoms get stronger. If the medication you’ve been prescribed is too expensive, we get it. That’s why Advocate My Meds helps people get their prescription at reduced prices. We make your medicine affordable so that you only need to worry about fighting those springtime allergies. Check out the list of medications we help with. Then, contact us to get the assistance you need!