Are You Still Looking For the Best Acne Care?

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Are You Still Looking For the Best Acne Care?

Are You Looking For the Best Acne Care? Consider a Prescription!

Acne is a common skin issue. In fact, it’s the most commonly occurring skin condition in America. It is usually associated with young adults or adolescents. But acne affects people of varying ages, including middle-aged adults. Finding the best acne care can be hard because there are so many options out there. Sometimes, this can cause people who have acne to feel helpless. Having information about acne care can help eliminate the stress and give you better ideas for finding the best acne care for yourself.

What’s Acne?

Also called “acne vulgaris”, acne is an inflammatory skin disease which causes pimples. The pimples that occur as a result of acne usually show up in areas like the face, neck, back, and chest. There are different types of acne, including whiteheads, blackheads, nodules, and pimples. This skin disease is not deadly or dangerous but it can cause scarring on the areas it affects. Acne in the form of pimple outbreaks happen in nearly everyone’s life. But, acne is a chronic disease that can affect people for years.

Who Usually Gets Acne?

Acne usually becomes a problem for teens and young adults. This is due to the hormonal changes that accompany puberty. The skin has oil glands, or sebaceous glands, which produce oil to lubricate your skin and and hair. This oil is called sebum and, usually, the body produces just the right amount of it. But, during puberty, the hormonal activity within the body cause the sebaceous glands to produce a little too much of the oil. This, in turn, causes the skin pores to get clogged. Bacteria can then get caught in the clogged pores and then begin to multiply. Redness and swelling can occur as a result of this bacterial growth and, thus, acne begins.

Adult acne is more prevalent in women than in men. The reason for this isn’t exactly clear, although researchers have uncovered some likely causes. For one, the hormones might again be the things to blame. The fact that hormone levels aren’t that steady in women at various times of life can cause an outbreak of adult-onset acne. Other factors that could lead to adult acne, in either men or women, include stress, skin and hair care products, or a family history of acne. Sometimes, the occurrence of this skin disease can be a result of medication; it could be a side effect.

One main difference between adolescent and adult acne is the area affected by the disease. When teens get acne on their faces, the affected area are usually the cheeks and forehead. Adults will most likely see the acne outbreaks along the jawline and neck. However, a lot of women might see the acne on other areas of the face, too.

Treating Acne: What NOT to Do!

When looking for the best acne care routine, it is definitely recommended to seek the help of a dermatologist. Some products are designed for specific skin types. Choosing the wrong one could cause more problems for you, so, you’ll want to be sure you have the help of a professional.

Also, do not use any acne care products without reading the directions thoroughly! Always make sure your skin is clean before you apply acne care products. Closely following the directions will be key to your success in eliminating acne from your skin.

Though many people take to the drug store products available for acne treatment, there are many prescription medications that can help.

How Advocate My Meds Can Get You the Best Acne Care

If you struggle with acne and need to find a good treatment, let Advocate My Meds assist you. Prescription medication for acne treatment can be pricey. Our business helps people who need medication using a prescription assistance service. We know how hard it is to get the medical help you need and we want to make that task easier for you. If you want to get the best acne care, contact us or visit our website to fill out an enrollment application.