About Hepatitis C: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

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About Hepatitis C: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

About Hepatitis C: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

Hepatitis C affects many Americans every year. This disease impacts people of varying ages, from baby boomers to young people in their 20’s. Although there are treatment options available, it’s important to note that Hepatitis C is a serious disease that must be handled with care. So, it’s good to know more about Hepatitis C and how it is treated.

What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C, also called HCV, is caused by a virus that affects the liver, giving this organ an infection. This viral disease causes inflammation in the liver and can lead to serious damage of the liver. There are different hepatitis viruses, including Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. One difference between these viruses and Hepatitis C is the way they spread. Sometimes, people get what is called acute Hepatitis C. In such instances, they only have the disease for a short period, 6 months or so. After that period of time, the patient just gets better on his or her own. In other instances, a person may develop what is called chronic Hepatitis C, in which the disease affects the person for an extended amount of time.

How Do I Know I Have HCV?

Unfortunately, this viral disease doesn’t give much warning; there are few symptoms in the early stages of this disease. In fact, many people who have Hepatitis C are unaware of its presence until damage to the liver is already done. If any signs of the disease do eventually occur, HCV may cause people to feel symptoms like: fatigue, pain in the stomach and/or joints, muscle soreness, or jaundice. Medical assistance in the form of testing is the best way to truly detect the disease.

Hepatitis C is transmitted through contact with HCV-infected blood. There are also risk factors that you should know about when it comes to HCV. Some factors include:

  • Getting a shot, tattoo, or piercing with unsterile equipment
  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • Illegal drug use (specifically, via needle injections)

Living With HCV

Hepatitis C can lead to issues, like cirrhosis, which can then lead to cancer of the liver. Of course, these are all very serious results to consider. But, take comfort in knowing that HCV is, in fact, curable! There are treatments available for this disease and, with time and medical guidance, people who suffer from HCV can improve their condition. The recovery from this disease varies from person to person, so it’s not a guarantee that the HCV will completely leave the body. Even so, treatment can certainly improve one’s living conditions and help keep the disease at bay. Also, lifestyle changes can help manage HCV. One can try doing things like:

  • eating healthier
  • scheduling regular check-ups with a doctor
  • getting adequate rest, and avoiding things that can damage the liver (alcohol or cigarettes).

If you have been diagnosed with HCV, you should be aware of all of the information about Hepatitis C that is available. Although there is a lot of valuable information online, it is always a good idea to speak with a doctor about your condition. He or she will be able to help you find the best treatment for you.

About Hepatitis C: Advocate My Meds and Treatment

You or a loved one may need to get medical treatment for Hepatitis C. Prescription medications for this disease are sometimes expensive, causing it to become very hard to obtain it. That’s why Advocate My Meds is here for you. We are a prescription assistance program and we offer help to those who are unable to afford medical help. We help provide patients with prescription medication at little to no cost and would like to help YOU! If you need assistance getting medicine for HCV, contact us today.