Mind-Boggling Facts about Asthma

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Mind-Boggling Facts about Asthma

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Something as basic and vital as breathing must be easy and automatic. When your child sneezes, coughs, or puts in great effort to breathe, even a carefree parent would skip a beat. If the statistics are to be believed, every 1 in 9 children in the United States suffer from Asthma.

Asthma is one of those painful inflammatory diseases that attack children without any definite reason. Some experts blame it on the ever-increasing pollution levels in the atmosphere, while others argue that the children today are being nourished in a more hygienic and disinfected environment than the past, as a result, their immune system is weaker and more vulnerable.

Despite of what experts and researches say and argue, keep reading to unearth some startling and staggering facts about Asthma that no one has ever told you about:

Asthma Develops In Children That Are More Exposed To the Environment

According to the latest research conducted at the University of Southern California located in Los Angeles, children that live near an area where traffic pollution is at its peak tend to be more prone to asthma. Furthermore, another study that took place at the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention stated that greater exposure to ozone levels increases the risk of asthma.

Also, children that swim in a swimming pool consisting of highly chlorinated water tend to develop asthma as they witness changes in their airways. Moreover, a study conducted over young children that grew up with pets such as cats and dogs have lesser chances of having asthma. This is because overtime, they develop an immune system that’s resistant to allergic reactions present in the atmosphere.

Coughing Is Not Always a Symptom of Asthma

According to William E. Berger, allergy and asthma specialist in California, it is wise to take your child to a doctor instead of believing that a recurring cough of or cold is a sign of allergies and asthma. Many times, a child suffers from cough-variant asthma, whereby, they have a dry cough while lying down, playing or going out in a cold weather.

Although persistent bronchitis is a primary sign of asthma, this is not always the case. To be on the surer side, a correct diagnosis is of utmost important. Spirometry is one such test that doctors conduct over children aged 5 and above to determine if they are potentially suffering from asthma.

Eczema and Asthma Are Linked

Not many people are aware of this but asthma and eczema have a deep, profound link. Many physicians are strangers to the fact that there is a sturdy relationship between a condition affecting the skin and affecting the airway passage. Children that develop eczema as a baby tend to have brighter chances of having asthma at an older age. Generally, eczema vanishes by the age of 5; however, if you treat a fever or allergy at earlier stage, potential asthma can be avoided to a great extent. If blood and skin tests reveal allergies in your child’s body, then consider various treatments to counteract them instantly.

Since fewer segments of the society are in a position to afford hefty prescription drugs and medications, it is wise to benefit from Advocate My Meds’ Patient Assistance Program. Through this program, you can benefit from asthma RX assistance and other prescription assistance that you cannot avail otherwise. Visit our website https://advocatemymeds.com/ to learn how they can do well to you and your child.