Help! My Child’s Prescription for ADHD is Expensive!

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Help! My Child’s Prescription for ADHD is Expensive!

Help! My Child’s Prescription for ADHD is Expensive!

400;”>ADHD is a very commonly diagnosed disorder in the United States. As such, there are many prescriptions and treatments to help children and adults with the disorder manage symptoms so that they can live successful and productive lives. A prescription for ADHD is usually taken in pill form once a day, so the costs of these medications can be heavy for those that need them. Advocate My Meds was developed to help Americans pay for their medications like a prescription for ADHD through patient assistance programs that discount or completely cover the costs.

What is ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is the most prevalent mental health disorder diagnosed in children. Although mostly diagnosed in early grade school days, ADHD is a disorder that commonly lasts throughout adulthood. The most defining characteristics of the disorder are the symptoms: the inability to focus, increased hyperactivity, and an inability to control impulses.

Does My Child have ADHD? Symptoms of ADHD in Children

  • Easy loss of focus
  • Inability to finish or stay on tasks
  • Inability to remain organized
  • Frequent losing of items
  • Frequent forgetting of responsibilities
  • Seemingly not listening
  • Inability to stay seated or stay in one position
  • Trouble staying silent
  • Excessive talking
  • Inability to wait for a turn at an activity
  • Frequent interrupting of others when speaking

Do I Have ADHD? Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

  • Frequent tardiness
  • Frequent forgetting
  • A low sense of self-esteem
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger and irritability
  • Frequent boredom
  • Disorganization
  • Inability to stay focused on specific tasks like reading

Living with ADHD

Currently, there is no cure for ADHD. Fortunately, with treatment, children and adults diagnosed with ADHD can live full and productive lives. No one knows specifically what leads to the development of this mental disorder, but studies have shown that genetics do play a large part. ADHD is more frequently diagnosed to boys, but anyone can be diagnosed with the disorder and seek help through treatment.

A Prescription for ADHD

Do you think that you or your child may be struggling with symptoms of ADHD? Ask your doctor or psychologist for a prescription for ADHD that will manage your symptoms and help you live a more productive life. Quillivant XR is a pill taken once a day that helps to manage hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and the inability to focus. It can be prescribed to children ages 6 and up. It works by suppressing the nervous system so that the symptoms of ADHD can be managed. It only needs to be taken once a day, starts working within 45 minutes, and lasts up to 12 hours. This allows ADHD patients to not have to think about their medication or ADHD symptoms and focus on daily responsibilities instead.

Paying for a Prescription for ADHD

If you or your child have been diagnosed with ADHD and have been provided a prescription for ADHD, you may be having trouble paying for your needed medications. With rising costs of prescriptions in the United States, many Americans are having trouble paying for the medications that they need to live a quality life. Advocate My Meds was designed and developed to help these specific people so that they no longer have to lower doses or forgo necessary treatments completely. If you are a United States citizen, over the age of 18, have little or no prescription insurance coverage, and have an income within the federal poverty limits, you may be eligible to receive discounts or coverage for prescriptions through Advocate My Meds. We know how important your prescription for ADHD is, and you should have a way to get the medications that you need to live contently. We help patients with their prescription to Quillivant XR and a number of other medications for a number of different medical ailments, all listed on our website. If you are approved for the program, you are eligible to receive discounts on any of the prescriptions listed on our website, you just have to have a prescription. Wish to enroll today? Do so at no cost on our website. Have any questions about our patient assistance program? Give us a call today to speak to an Advocate My Meds helpful employee at 877-596-1604.