How to Get Discounts on Your BPH Medical Treatment

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How to Get Discounts on Your BPH Medical Treatment

BPH can be an agitating medical issue which requires treatment. But, for many without prescription insurance coverage, it may be difficult to pay for BPH medical treatment. And, skipping treatment for this issue could lead to further issues and concerns. So, it’s important to receive BPH medical treatment as suggested by a doctor. To help patients who can’t afford their BPH medical treatment and qualify, Advocate My Meds offers patient assistance with offers discounts on prescribed medications.

What is BPH and Who Does it Affect?

How to Get Discounts on Your BPH Medical Treatment

BPH, or Benign prostatic hyperplasia, is a medical condition in which the prostate gland, found in the male anatomy, is enlarged. Typically, in young men, the prostate gland is roughly the size of a walnut. But, with men who have been diagnosed with BPH, prostate glands can reach the size of a baseball. And while this abnormal growth is not a result of something deadly like cancer, the result may lead to agitating symptoms which most commonly include having to urinate more frequently. According to the RapafloⓇ website, which is a prescription BPH medical treatment, BPH is the most commonly diagnosed prostate problem in men over the age of 50. Over half of men ages 50-71 and close to 90% of men over the age of 80 are diagnosed with the condition.

Is BPH and Prostate Cancer the Same Thing?

BPH is not linked to cancer in any way, shape, or form. There is no tie between the two disorders. Men who have BPH are not at a higher risk of developing any type of cancer. Of course, it’s possible for a man diagnosed with BPH to develop cancerous cells before or after diagnosis, but the conditions are not influenced by one another. However, symptoms of the two diseases are similar. So, it’s extremely important to speak with your doctor if you notice any symptoms.

Understanding More About the Symptoms of BPH

There are actually two different types of BPH (obstructive and irritative), and they are characterized by their symptoms. While an individual may not experience all symptoms of BPH, they can help to determine the specific type you may have. Symptoms of obstructive BPH may include:

  • Difficulty when beginning to urinate
  • Weakened urination stream
  • Stopping and starting frequently while urinating
  • Inability to completely empty the bladder

Symptoms of irritative BPH may include:

Having to urinate frequently
Feeling the need to urinate urgently
Having to urinate during the middle of the night

Talking to Your Doctor about Your BPH Symptoms

It’s best to talk to your doctor about the symptoms you’re experiencing so that the condition can be diagnosed and treatment can be prescribed. It’s not a good idea to sweep the issue under the run and try to live with the symptoms. That’s because, without treatment, BPH can lead to bladder infections, kidney damage, and even the inability to urinate at all which may require intensive surgery to fix. Once you’re diagnosed, your doctor can offer a BPH medical treatment which may best suit your individual needs, like RapafloⓇ. This option is a once-daily taken capsule which is proven to reduce symptoms of BPH in as little as 3 days. It works to relax the muscles which surround the urethra so that urinating is made easier! Ask your doctor if this BPH medical treatment is right for you. And, if it’s determined it is, you may be eligible for discount or coverage through Advocate My Meds!

Getting Discounts for BPH Medical Treatment through Advocate My Meds

If you have little or no prescription insurance coverage, you could get your prescription medication for BPH discounted or even covered completely by the use of patient assistance programs. These programs are designed to help individuals pay for any prescription they may have. So, if you are eligible and have other prescription medications along with your BPH medical treatment, those medications will likely be discounted as well. Find out if you qualify and enroll today right on our website!