COPD — Causes and Symptoms

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COPD — Causes and Symptoms

COPD causes and symptoms

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a kind of obstructive lung disease. Characterized by poor airflow to the lungs, this disease usually worsens with time and can spiral out of control if not treated properly in time. In developing nations, smoking is said to be one of the most common causes of COPD while dealing with excessive heat in poorly ventilated areas is also said to be a common factor leading to a rise in the number of people suffering from this disease.

Causes of COPD:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is caused by the following:

1.    Smoking

One of the most common factors and the major cause of COPD is smoking (regular or chain). A great number of smokers are reported to suffer from this long term illness. Surprisingly, women are more prone to this disease than men are. Smoking cigarettes, cigars, and marijuana are all equally detrimental.

2.    Passive Smoking

Not only can active smokers suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease but also those who don’t smoke cigarette or related items but are exposed to excessive smoke (industrial or otherwise).

3.  Asthma Patients (Smokers)

Smoking itself is detrimental to health over all and lungs specifically; it wreaks havoc on the health of asthma patients. Asthma, combined with COPD, is a lethal union.

4.    Air Pollution

Polluted air carries a lot of bacterial infections and diseases which transferred could get worsen in some cases. Poor ventilation of cooking ranges, especially in those areas where fire is fueled by biomass fuels or animal dung lead to severe air pollution. In developing countries this is a reason for COPD in many people (understandably women suffer more from it by managing household and poorly ventilated cooking areas).

5.    Exposure to Chemicals and Industrial Waste

Occupational exposure is often not avoidable and thus leads to COPD among people working in the industries which use strong chemicals and solvents most of the time. Workplace dust also causes Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Excessive dust in coal mining and gold mining also results in workers suffering from this disease.

6.    Genetics

Something one cannot control when it comes to catching diseases is genetics. Hereditary factors play a vital role in transfer of COPD among people. People who have inherited alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (AAT) have a chance of developing COPD and to top it all if they smoke the chances just sky rocket.

7.    Age

Again something you cannot control but obviously maintaining a healthy lifestyle through every phase of life is possible. The underlying symptoms of COPD become more apparent as people reach the age of 35-40 years.


Never ignore the symptoms of COPD because this disease escalates very quickly pace. Get yourself checked if you find any of them in consistency. Some common symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease include:

1. Shortness of breath because you can’t get enough of air. You need rest after a very little amount of physical activity.

2. Breathing becomes noisy; wheezing is common which indicates presence of mucus in nasal cavity.

3. Anxiety and panic attacks are also common when you are not getting enough air and lungs are not filled properly. Breathing becomes more of a task using chest muscles.

5. Morning headaches due to low oxygen levels.

6. Cough is a very prominent symptom; it could be severe or frequent than normal and could be dry or slimy (green or yellow).

COPD Rx assistance provides prescription assistance to COPD patients suffering not only from the disease but the exorbitant medicine bills associated with it. The simple policy provides medical assistance to facilitate affordability of medicine and treatment.