4 Dietary Tips for Diabetics

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4 Dietary Tips for Diabetics


Diabetes is a rising epidemic all over the world, and as the condition escalates in patients, the costs of medication and treatment needed increase at every step too. Healthy changes in lifestyle, however, are said to be an effective approach to cut down on the health risks associated with this disease. Diet comes first when it is about taking care of one’s health in diabetes and with adequate portions of all the necessary nutrients, one can definitely keep diabetes in check as well as reduce the chances of diseases and organ failure resulting from effects of diabetes.

Tip # 1: Eat High-Fiber Carbs

Carbohydrates have considerable impact on one’s blood sugar levels, more than fats and proteins do. It is better to limit refined carbohydrate foods such as white bread, white rice and pasta. Also, sodas and candies need to be reduced to small portions. Focusing instead on high fiber carbohydrates (which are also known as slow-release carbohydrates) such as brown rice, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, low-sugar bran flakes, peas or green leafy vegetables are all essential food items for diabetic patients to consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates on high fibers. Healthy fat foods such as olive oil, nuts and avocados are also good for diabetics.

Tip # 2: Be Selective About Sweets

Of course diabetics have a sweet tooth and crave for sugary items (in fact more than the average person does) and it is not advised to do away with sweets completely. However, keeping track and limiting intake is a sensible step. The best way to manage eating sweets is to combine them with a meal rather than as individual snacks. If dessert is intensely desired, cut down on consumption of bread, rice, or pasta in the meal. Savor each bite of the dessert so that you enjoy it and are thus more likely to avoid overeating this way (sugar could be limited by reducing the amount in the recipe altogether).

Tip #3: Regular Eating Schedule

Managing body fat is important to control or prevent diabetes. This does not mean being obsessed about fat intake, but there are certain tips to control it. Eating at regular intervals in small proportions is advisable. It is also recommended not to skip the breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day and also stabilizes blood sugar levels. Also, eating small meals throughout the day helps digestions process and consumption of essential ingredients without weight gain.

Tip # 4: Be Picky About Fats

Diabetic patients are at risk of cardiac diseases and fats in this case can be very harmful. This clearly does not mean that fats should be curtailed from the diet plan completely; there are certain types of food containing fats that have enormous health benefits. The unsaturated fats are good fats which are obtained from plants and fish. Cooking with olive oil instead of butter or vegetable oil is a better option. Lean meat is a good source of proteins and the fats could be easily removed. Instead of fast foods and chips go for nuts and low fat granola bars. Heavy cream could be substituted with low fat thickened milk, pureed potatoes or sour cream (low fat).

A proper diet plan is an absolute necessity for diabetic individuals to stay healthy. But the need for medicine and insulin shots remains intact to regulate blood sugar levels. Rx Helper assists in diabetes prescription assistance, enabling individuals to access to low cost, high quality drugs all through a simple registration process. Make the most of the facility and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.