What Is Cystic Fibrosis

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What Is Cystic Fibrosis

a doctor examining a child’s lungs

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic condition that impacts more than 40,000 individuals in the United States. It is a debilitating disorder that causes severe harm to the lungs, respiratory system, and other related organs due to the build-up of thick mucus.

CF is also progressive and affects the patient’s life expectancy as well as the quality of life. That being said, the recent advances in medicines and treatments have significantly improved the life expectancy of many individuals.

In this blog, we’re discussing cystic fibrosis, its symptoms, causes, and more in detail. Keep reading to learn more.

Understanding and Defining Cystic Fibrosis

First, it’s vital to define cystic fibrosis to understand more about the condition.

There are many cells in the body responsible for creating mucus, sweat, and enzymes. Mucus usually has a thin texture, and is responsible for lubricating the organs.

People with cystic fibrosis have a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator that controls the CTFR protein. This particular protein is present in every organ that produces mucus, such as the lungs, pancreas, liver, etc.

The cystic fibrosis mutation impacts this protein, which thickens mucus and other fluids. As a result, the condition disrupts the optimal function of these organs.

Complications of Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis can severely affect the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems. It can also lead to serious complications in them— here are some of them listed below.

  1. Bronchiectasis (damaged airways)
  2. Chronic infections, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.
  3. Coughing up blood
  4. Diabetes
  5. Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome
  6. Infertility or reduced fertility
  7. Imbalanced electrolytes
  8. Liver disease
  9. Nutritional deficiencies
  10. Osteoporosis
  11. Pneumothorax
  12. Respiratory failure

Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis

Symptoms of the condition can vary for every individual as well as the organ that has been affected. It can also differ depending on the severity of the condition. In saying that, here are some of the most common ones listed below.

Respiratory Symptoms

  1. A persistent cough that causes thick mucus
  2. Coughing that brings up blood
  3. Inability to bear physical exertion
  4. Inflammation in nasal passages
  5. Recurring infections of the lungs and sinuses
  6. Shortness of breath
  7. Stuffy sinuses
  8. Wheezing

Digestive Symptoms

  1. Abdominal pain and swelling
  2. Constipation
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Greasy stools
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. Nausea
  7. Difficulty or inability to gain weight

Medications for Cystic Fibrosis

Despite there being no cure for cystic fibrosis, researchers have developed many medicines that can help ease symptoms. Here are some drugs listed below that are commonly prescribed by doctors.

  1. Antibiotics for infections
  2. Bronchodilators to relax muscles
  3. CFTR modulators to help improve the function of the CTFR.
  4. Ibuprofen to slow down the decline in lung function.

CF medicines

If you require assistance for the prescriptions listed above, check out our various prescription assistance programs. Here at Advocate My Meds, we work as a prescription assistance organization that aims to help uninsured and underinsured individuals afford medicines.

Check your eligibility or contact us now to know how we can help.