Types of STIs You Should Know About

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Types of STIs You Should Know About

Pills arranged to spell 'AIDS' placed on a table

Many people are unsure about the differences between sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you’re one of them, you should know that an STI is where a parasite, virus, or bacteria will attack your body and transform into an STD if it’s not diagnosed and treated on time. Infections usually show up with non-existent symptoms, but the disease will come with clear warning signs.

If you need help affording STI medication, we recommend enrolling in a prescription assistance program.

In this blog, we’re going to explore some of the most common STIs.

1. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a bacterial STI that can be passed through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Symptoms include burning during urination and unusual discharge from the vagina or penis. The symptoms typically don’t show up until weeks later, so you may pass it on to someone without realizing you’re carrying an STI.

If you suspect any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention. Otherwise, it can lead to infertility issues in women and men and PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) in women.

2. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is another bacterial STI you can pass to your sexual partner. Symptoms include vaginal bleeding, painful urination, pelvic or abdominal pain, and increased vaginal discharge. Untreated gonorrhea can lead to severe health problems in both men and women. In women, it can spread to the fallopian tubes or uterus and cause infertility problems.

3. HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

HPV is one of the viral STIs. There are over 200 types of HPV, many of which do not have symptoms. Almost 40 of these can spread through sexual contact. Some of them can also be spread through skin-sot-skin or intimate contact.

However, low-risk HPV can lead to genital warts, while high-risk HPV can cause cancer of the cervix, vulva, anus, or penis.

4. Herpes

Herpes is another viral infection. It can cause blisters and sores on the genitals or mouth, and it can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women because it can lead to miscarriage or stillbirth. There’s no absolute cure for herpes, but you can manage it through prescription drugs. Medication can reduce the symptoms and lessen the risk of transmission as well.


Reproductive health supplies placed on a table among prescription drugs



This viral infection is primarily passed through unprotected sexual contact or sharing needles with an infected person. It can attack the body’s immune system and eventually lead to AIDS, a terminal illness. Symptoms of HIV/AIDS can include fever, rash, fatigue, weight loss, and nausea. However, many people with HIV/AIDS do not experience any symptoms until the disease has progressed significantly.

Enroll In A Full-Service Prescription Assistance Program

If you’re looking for full-service prescription assistance, Advocate My Meds can help you. We’re a leading financial assistance for prescriptions organization providing financial assistance for prescriptions to low-income households who might be uninsured. We provide prescription assistance for medical conditions such as STIs, asthma, mental disabilities, heart diseases, and Johnson and johnson prescription assistance.

Contact us to learn about our enrollment process.