Top Misconceptions about COVID-19
Late 2019 marked the beginning of a global pandemic —COVID-19. What started with some common flu symptoms in Wuhan, quickly expanded to become a pandemic. During these past 2 years, the world has struggled with COVID-19 disease and its socio-economic impacts.
Despite being in the third year of the pandemic, there are still some misconceptions around the disease. Let’s explore these.
Myth 1: Natural Immunity is Better Than Vaccination
Vaccines offer your body immunity without any detrimental effects of diseases. COVID-19 can have severe complications and hazardous effects on your body. When it comes to COVID-19, there are only two solutions: vaccination and precaution.
Myth 2: Your Strong Immune System Can Help Withstand COVID-19
A common myth most individuals have is they think their strong immunity can help fight COVID. However, the vaccination develops immunity against the virus, eventually reducing the chances of contracting the virus.
As a result, even if you’re exposed to the virus, the vaccination ensures you have the immunity to fight it. Moreover, being full-vaccinated ensures you protect the people around you since you’re protecting yourself from the virus. This is the most critical when you’re around individuals with a higher risk of COVID-19 related illnesses such as the elderly, individuals with medical problems and healthcare employees.
Myth 3: COVID-19 Vaccines Aren’t Safe
The COVID-19 vaccines were finalized and introduced after undergoing clinical trials and receiving WHO and country regulatory agency approvals. This is one of the main reasons why the vaccination took quite a lot of time to develop. The COVID-19 vaccine was introduced after the complete research, progress, and sanction, ensuring it upholds the quality safety standards. WHO and regulatory agencies have monitored the use of COVID-19 vaccinations to ensure that they are safe for everyone who receives them.
Myth 4: COVID-19 Vaccines Can Give You COVID-19 Symptoms
Contrary to popular belief, COVID-19 vaccinations don’t give you the virus. Vaccines help our immune systems recognize and combat the COVID-19 virus particles. As a result, symptoms such as fever, sting, chills, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, and diarrhea are all common adverse effects.
These symptoms are typical and indicate that the body is developing defense against the COVID-19 virus. After the vaccination, the body takes a couple of weeks to develop immunity. So, COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t put you at risk. Instead, it helps eliminate those risks.
Looking for an Affordable Prescription Assistance Program?
With the pandemic rising, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, especially by misconceptions but don’t fear to reach out to Advocate My Meds.
Advocate My Meds is a full-service prescription assistance organization offering various prescription assistance programs to help patients all across the US.
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