Hypertension Diet: Good Foods for High Blood Pressure

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Hypertension Diet: Good Foods for High Blood Pressure

Did you know about 47% of American adults have hypertension? Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, occurs when your blood pressure levels are higher than normal. Hypertension can put individuals at a higher risk of strokes and cardiac diseases, which are one of the leading causes of death in the United States.

However, eliminating certain foods and introducing others into your diet can help you control your blood pressure levels.


Grains can be highly beneficial for hypertension since including them in your regular diet can improve your condition.

Fiber, potassium, selenium, folate, iron, and magnesium are all abundant in whole grains. Grain-based foods that reduce blood pressure include nutrient-rich grains like cereals, popcorn, and unsalted pretzels. Grains can impact your blood pressure by reducing it through high potassium levels, keeping the wall arteries safe.

Fruits and Vegetables

fruits and vegetables

Researchers discovered that eating nitrate-rich vegetables reduced hypertension patients’ blood pressure within 24 hours. Vegetable roots absorb nitrates from the soil, which are converted into nitric oxide gas.

As a result, this gas relaxes the constricted blood arteries. Potassium-rich fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, as well as low-sodium canned vegetables, should be included in the diet. However, rinse them thoroughly to remove any pesticides before eating or cooking them.

Fruits and vegetables can help lower blood pressure, stabilizing diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Moreover, it counters the sodium damage with potassium levels. Some of them are quite beneficial for hypertension. These include:


In a 2013 study, beet juice was found to lower systolic blood pressure by 4 to 5 points in healthy individuals. According to the study, a group of men and women were given the vegetable in the form of beet juice. Men displayed lower blood pressure readings after six hours, and the female participants showed similar results. Beets are high in naturally occurring nitrates, which can help lower blood pressure.


Potassium, vitamin C, calcium, fiber, and magnesium are abundant in broccoli. By loosening constricted blood arteries, these nutrients help control blood pressure and prevent heart disease. The nitric oxide component of this cruciferous vegetable has also been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure, while the vitamin C constituent strengthens vessel walls.


Bananas are rich in potassium, and one of the key benefits it offers is they can help fight off blood pressure. Moreover, one banana contains 11% of the healthy potassium needed to remain healthy. Higher amounts can be found in vegetables like avocado, swiss chard,  white beans, and more.


Baked potatoes are rich in potassium and magnesium, which help to regulate blood flow, thereby improving blood pressure levels.

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