Things to Know About Acute Gout

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Things to Know About Acute Gout

Person holding their injured toe

Over three million Americans are currently diagnosed with gout, which results in pain and swelling in the big toe, joints, and wrists.

Although prescription drugs can help manage the symptoms of acute gout, it’s better to protect yourself than to seek a cure for this painful condition. In this blog today, we’ll tell you all the important things to know about acute gout. Starting from the explanation of this chronic illness.

What is Gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis that can develop in almost anyone. Although men report a higher number of gout cases, women can also be diagnosed with the condition after menopause. During a gout attack that may occur overnight, a person’s big toe or the affected joints are inflamed, swollen, and feel severe pain.

There are more than a few types of gout, and acute gout is the most common of them all.

Causes Behind Gout

Gout is caused by the accumulation of sharp needle-like crystals called urate in your joints. These crystals are formed when your body produces a high amount of uric acid or when your kidney cannot excrete uric acid properly. However, not all people with high uric acid end up having acute gout.

Symptoms of a Gout Attack

A person may get a gout attack rarely or have multiple episodes in a year. Here’s what a gout attack looks like:

  1. Inflammation in the big toe, joints, and wrists.
  2. Painful big toe or affected joints.
  3. Swelling in the gout-affected area.
  4. A tingling sensation or warmth in the affected area.

Person holding painful finger joints

Risk Factors

Here are some of the factors that increase the risk of developing gout:

  1. Alcohol consumption.
  2. Purine-rich foods, such as red meat, certain seafood items, and fructose-based drinks.
  3. Family history of gout.
  4. Obesity can also cause the accumulation of urate crystals.
  5. Men between the ages of 30-50 tend to be more likely to get gout.
  6. Women are more likely to get gout after hitting menopause.
  7. Kidney stones or diabetes can also increase the likelihood of gout.


A doctor, such as a rheumatologist, can detect acute gout in an individual. X-rays, blood tests, as well as assessment of symptoms can lead to the diagnosis.

Prevention and Treatment

Untreated gout can lead to various complications, including heart disease. Therefore prevention such as healthy diet, exercise, and timely diagnosis is essential to treat gout. A doctor can advise you on the treatment of gout and prescribe medicines.

Get Help from Us!

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with gout but unable to fill prescriptions, then get in touch with us. At Advocate My Meds, we offer financial assistance and prescription assistance to patients who are unable to afford medications on their own. Learn more about our programs such as Janssen prescription assistance program here.