Is Your Migraine Prescription Medication Too Pricey?

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Is Your Migraine Prescription Medication Too Pricey?

Is Your Migraine Prescription Medication Too Pricey?

If you suffer from migraines, you may have tried countless amounts of medication to treat the aches. There are so many prescription drugs available it’s sometimes hard to know which one is best for you. Maybe, you’ve already found a migraine prescription medication that works for you. But, if it’s not price you’re looking to pay, you’re not alone. Many people are all too familiar with the struggle of paying for medications like migraine prescriptions.

Migraines vs. Headaches

Often, people get these two conditions confused. People may be suffering with an extreme headache and assume it’s a migraine. Others may be experiencing a migraine but they think it’s a major headache. It’s absolutely important to know the signs and symptoms of a migraine before trying to find the right treatment. This way, you’re diagnosed accurately and given the medication which may best work to relieve symptoms.

Firstly, it’s helpful to point out that a migraine is a kind of headache. But, it is characterized by a few different symptoms than those of a more average headache. However, despite its less serious connotation, a headache can be very painful and last more than a day or two. There are a few different types of headaches under the general category. Cluster headaches involve a very painful cycle of headaches followed by a period without any headaches at all. Sinus headaches usually occur along with symptoms of a sinus infection. A migraine, on the other hand, is usually characterized by symptoms such as but not limited to:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Temple pain
  • Pain behind the eye or ear
  • Light or sound sensitivity.

Migraines can occur in four stages. Some people experience some or all of the stages of a migraine.
Prodrome – This stage is characterized by signs that may occur one or two days in advance as warnings of a coming headache. These include neck stiffness, excessive yawning, mood changes, and more.

Aura: The second stage can be described by a series of sensations which occur before or during a migraine including weakness or numbness, difficulty speaking, and tingling in an arm or a leg.

Attack: This is when the migraine fully sets in and you may experience the pain for one day or possibly multiple days. The pain may be felt in one or both sides of the head.

Postdrome: This occurs after a migraine attack and leaves some people feeling weak, dizzy, and/or moody.

Again, you may not feel all of these stages. For instance, some people may not experience the aura stage when they are getting a migraine. But, it is still good to know any possible effects of migraines so that you know when to seek medical attention. People who experience migraines should see a doctor and receive a prescription for treatment. Knowing about the different signs and symptoms may enable you to better explain what you are feeling to your doctor which will, in turn, allow the doctor to discover the right migraine prescription for you.

Migraine Prescription Help

Unfortunately, migraines are somewhat common and many people have such attacks. But, fortunately, there is help in the form of prescription medication. Despite the high prices of effective medication, it is definitely possible for you to get the help you need. Advocate My Meds wants to help you pay for your migraine relief medication if you qualify. It is our desire to assist you in financing the medications that will help you to feel better. We understand that your migraine prescription may be too pricey and we want to help you pay for it! We offer prescription assistance for migraine medications, such as Migranal, Axert, Replax, Frova, and much more. Don’t let the price of your prescription give you another headache. Find information about enrollment in our program on our website and let us start helping you today!