Helping Recovering Addicts with Their Suboxone Prescription

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Helping Recovering Addicts with Their Suboxone Prescription

Helping Recovering Addicts with Their Suboxone Prescription

With the opioid epidemic sweeping the nation and about 100 people dying from overdose each day in the U.S., addiction is a disease families have to face all the time. Fortunately, treatment is effective in helping individuals get the help they need and recover from addiction. However, there is no one magic pill which cures addiction. There are a number of treatment methods, therapies, and medications used to help those struggling with addiction. And every treatment method may not work to help every individual. While medication is one way to effectively detox from opioids, it’s not available to everyone who doesn’t have medical insurance. But, there is a way for individuals to receive their Suboxone prescription discounted or even fully covered through patient assistance programs.

The Sweeping Opioid Epidemic

With a growing increase in prescriptions for narcotics and more individuals getting hooked on these drugs every year, the death toll keeps rising. However, if you’re one of these individuals struggling with addiction to opioids or opiates, it’s incredibly important to understand that you can get better. And, it’s important to. The longer you wait, the higher your chances of becoming another overdose statistic. Every time you use, you are another use closer to the one that will take your life. If you’re struggling with addiction, don’t wait. Ask your doctor if medication-assisted treatment like Suboxone may be right for you.

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is a prescription medication which has been proven effective in helping to reduce cravings and eliminate effects of opioid use if used during treatment for addiction. Plus, it can even reduce or eliminate agitating withdrawal symptoms which often lead individuals to relapse. Ingredients of Suboxone include both naltrexone and buprenorphine. While buprenorphine helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms, naltrexone blocks receptors, making getting high from opioids impossible while the drug is in the system.

Why is Medication Treatment for Addiction Controversial?

There are a number of individuals and online resources which state that medication treatment for addiction is negative. That’s because Suboxone contains buprenorphine, which is itself considered an opioid. However, the amount of buprenorphine contained in Suboxone is not enough to experience effects, especially for addicts who have developed a tolerance for these types of drugs. Unless it’s abused, Suboxone is safe. So, why should an effective method of addiction treatment be taken away because a number of individuals decided to utilize it incorrectly? If used correctly and under doctor supervision, Suboxone IS effective in helping individuals beat an addiction to opioids or opiates.

Can’t Pay for Your Suboxone Prescription?

If your doctor has agreed that a Suboxone prescription may help you in detoxing and keeping clear of opioids, you might be having trouble affording it. While Suboxone is effective, it’s quite pricey. However, you don’t have to give up on being able to afford this medication. That’s because, for those who don’t have medical insurance or are only partially covered, patient assistance programs can help! Through our services here at Advocate My Meds, hundreds of patients find that they can afford the cost of their prescriptions by simply paying one, small monthly fee! If you’re having trouble paying for your Suboxone prescription and want to see if you qualify, visit our website today!

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