Generic Prescriptions: Worth the Switch?
Brand loyalty is as American as apple pie and baseball. When we find a product we like, we tend to stick to the top name brand. After all, doesn’t market dominance indicate superior quality? In many cases, yes. In the world of prescription drugs, however, brand names often come with a steep price tag that doesn’t necessarily mean higher quality. Many people are unaware that prescription medications, such as Lyrica or Cymbalta, come in generic forms that are usually less expensive than their brand-name counterparts. Asking your doctor or pharmacist about generic prescriptions can save you hundreds of dollars a year.
What are generic prescriptions?
This is how it works: when a drug company makes a new product, they get a patent on the chemical composition of the medication. Medications are made up of active and inactive ingredients. The active ingredients- for example, pregabalin in Lyrica- is what treats the illness. The inactive ingredients are just fillers. When a drug company has a patent on a pill, other companies can still use the active ingredient in that pill in their own version of medications. All they have to do is switch one or two inactive ingredients, and they have a brand new medication that works just the same as the brand name, that can be sold at a much lower cost. For example, many anti-depressants that appear on TV commercials are extremely expensive without insurance coverage, but there are generic pills with the same active ingredients on the market with much friendlier price tags.
Are generic prescriptions safe?
While the active ingredients are the same, if you are concerned about switching medications, consulting with a medical professional is always a good idea. However, adverse reactions from switching to generic prescriptions are rare because the inactive ingredients generally don’t have too much impact on the patient. If you are sure you want to switch, ask your doctor which alternatives are available for your current medications. The laws vary by state, but in many places, pharmacies can give you the generic version of a prescription simply if you ask for it. Most pharmacists can also explain the difference in medications and discuss any concerns you may have about switching.
In a market with rising health-care costs, saving on prescriptions can help stretch your budget to meet all of your needs. Generic prescriptions offer patients the ability to treat their conditions for a fraction of the cost, with very low risk. If you have made the switch, and you still need help affording your medications, Advocate My Meds can help. Contact us via email at info@advocatemymeds, or by phone at 877-596-1604.