Financial And Emotional Support

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Financial And Emotional Support

Compassionate emotional support.

Those individuals who require long-term medical care are not merely in need of financial support, but also require ongoing emotional support to ensure continued wellbeing and mental health. Enduring emotional support is not only critical to those who are undergoing medical treatment, but also to their loved ones. This is also true of financial assistance. If an individual cannot afford the medication he or she needs to ensure maintained health and happiness, everyone that individual knows and loves is adversely affected. Fortunately, there are many options that allow for long-term financial and emotional care at little or no cost to the afflicted individual or his or her loved ones.

Finding the Financial Support You Need

Even for medical patients with good health insurance, obtaining all necessary prescriptions may very well break the bank. Prescription assistance programs such as the one we at Advocate My Meds proudly offer allow men and women of every income bracket and insurance coverage to obtain all of the prescriptions they need at little to no cost. However, financial assistance is only half of the overall treatment plan – the other half consists of consistent and efficient emotional support, making the process of long-term medical care easier on everyone involved. Trying to balance enduring medical care with the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be challenging and emotionally draining. Finding a constant and trustworthy source of emotional reinforcement can make a world of difference in the lives of patients, caregivers, and loved ones, helping them cope with and work through the frustration, anger, and grief that often goes hand-in-hand with prolonged medical care.

Finding the Emotional Support You Need

Some common sources of emotional support are easy to find within nearly every community. These include:

  • A therapist or social worker.
  • Trusted friends and close family members.
  • Your primary care physician or other healthcare professionals.
  • A temple, church, or another religious community.
  • Disease-specific support groups.

While confiding in a close friend or a therapist can always provide a sense of emotional wellbeing, it is most effective to find a support group full of other individuals who can relate on a deep, personal level. In order to find a disease-specific support group near you, simply type in the name of your disease or disorder followed by “support group” into your web browser. While financial support is undeniably crucial to the health and happiness your yourself or your loved one, it is equally as important to ensure you are getting the emotional support you need as well.