Bringing Awareness to Heart Issues with American Heart Month
If you see everyone wearing red today, it’s because February is American Heart Month. And, February 2nd is National Wear Red Day to bring awareness to the entire month and every heart issue affecting individuals and their families every year. Because heart health is so important, it’s vital to talk about and educate yourself on how to maintain heart health. So, take the month of February to make changes in your lifestyle and keep your heart healthy!
What is American Heart Month Anyway?
It has been proven that the more individuals know about heart disease and keeping up with heart health, the less chance they have at developing heart disease. This is why it’s so important to have awareness events like American Heart Month. It’s about helping to spread the knowledge that heart disease IS preventable if the proper measures are taken. Some facts about American Heart Month include:
- The very first American Heart Month was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963
- Each year after the initial American Heart Month, the President makes a statement about how February is dedicated to American heart health
- During the 60’s, almost half of the annual deaths were caused by heart disease
- Throughout the entire world, heart disease takes 17.9 million lives every year and is projected to reach 23.6 million by the year 2023
Some Facts About the Heart
The human body is an extraordinary feat of nature. And, the heart is amazing in its own way. Discovering how it works can help us to understand more about maintaining health. Some fun facts about the heart and how it works include:
- The average 70-year-old heart will have already beaten more than 2.5 billion times
- Of all the muscles found in the human body, the heart works the hardest
- On average, a heart pumps over 2 thousand gallons of blood each day
- Positive energy and happiness can decrease an individual’s risk for heart disease
- Heart disease has affected people for over 3,000 years
- The average heart beats 100 thousand times every day
- Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America, followed by cancer
- Women hearts beat 8 times more each minute, on average, than men hearts
- Each living cell of the body (besides the cornea of the eye) receives blood which was pumped through the heart
What can be done to Prevent Heart Disease?
While heart disease can be genetic, it’s usually preventable. So, there are a few things every person can do to better their chances at living longer and not having heart health issues. Things you can do to prevent heart disease include:
Exercise: Not only does exercise keep you looking fit and helps to regulate mood, it also decreases the chance for a number of health issues, including heart attack and disease! Try exercising at least three times a week for twenty minutes to reduce your risk of heart disease!
Reduce Stress: It’s proven that stress can affect heart health negatively. That’s because stress can increase blood pressure levels, which may be a sign of an unhealthy heart and can lead to disease.
Stop Smoking: Smoking tobacco can increase an individual’s chance at developing heart disease up to four times more than the non-smoker. And, it’s noted that 1 for every 5 individuals that die from heart disease were smokers, and smoking was a direct cause for developed heart issues.
Spreading Awareness for Heart Prescription Discounts
If you’ve already been diagnosed with a heart condition or your doctor has told you that you need to pay more attention to your heart health, you may have a prescription heart medication. And, these can get pretty pricey. If you’re having trouble paying for the cost of your needed medications, patient assistance programs may be able to assist you. These programs are offered through our complete service, offering hundreds of medications for those who qualify. To see if you qualify or to sign up for the program to receive discounts or even complete coverage on your heart medications, give us a call today at 877-596-1604.