Medication Blog

The Most Prescribed Prescription Medicines Around the World


The United States has one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical markets, generating more than $425 billion in revenue annually. A chunk of this revenue is invested in research and development, about $91 billion in 2020, to make existing medicines more effective and find treatment for other diseases/illnesses.

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Bipolar Disorder and Its Treatments

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, bipolar disorder affects approximately 10 million people across the United States. The condition can disrupt a patient’s life by causing shifts in energy, mood, and activity levels. This makes daily tasks a lot more difficult. However, proper treatment and support can help people lead a fulfilling life.

Symptoms and Causes of Kidney Infection

Kidney infections are common conditions that can affect people of all ages. However, women and men over 65 are more likely to develop the condition. Though most kidney infections go away on their own, some people might require additional care. Consult your medical provider immediately if you think you have kidney infection symptoms. That’s because some...
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Medication Safety for Children

About 50,000 young children end up in emergency rooms each year because they consumed medicine. 9 in 10 parents agree that it’s important to store medicine out of sight from kids.

5 Myths About Antidepressants You Need To Stop Believing

Sadness is a feeling that every human experiences at some point in their lives. However, if this feeling persists for months or years, the individual may have chronic depression. Depression symptoms differ from person to person and can linger if untreated.

Effective Ways to Stop a Panic Attack

Anxiety disorders such as panic attack, are the most common mental health issues in the United States, affecting 40 million adults each year. Seek Counseling Take deep breaths Find a Peaceful Spot Take your Medications  

Asthmatic Symptoms You Need To Watch Out For

When you have asthma, triggers like cold air, animal fur, smoking, and other diseases cause the muscles in your airways to swell and become inflamed. As a result, breathing becomes challenging because your muscles enlarge and produce more mucus. At first, asthma triggers could only cause a minor reaction. However, monitoring asthmatic symptoms is crucial...
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