9 Common Reasons to Visit a Doctor

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9 Common Reasons to Visit a Doctor

A female doctor talking to a patient.

Doctors treat your general health throughout your life. Routine visits improve your overall health, helping doctors diagnose serious symptoms of an illness.

Healthcare providers prevent you from falling victim to other diseases and coordinate your health concerns to a specialist if required. Continue reading to find out what makes Americans visit doctors more often!

1.    Skin Disorders

Skin disorders include dermatitis, cysts, and acne. While skin disorders are more likely to affect teenagers, adults are affected too. According to a study, 20% of skin disorders occur in adulthood.

2.    Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis

One-third of Americans visit a doctor to treat their joint pain and Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis form in America that may cause joint pain. It worsens with age and can affect any joint in your body. Osteoarthritis commonly impacts the spine, hands, hips, and knees.

3.    Back Problems

Back problems trouble thousands of Americans each year, becoming a leading cause of disability. If you have back problems, you may experience a burning sensation, shooting pain, or a dull ache. In America, back problems are treated based on the joints or nerves affected and the type of injury you have.

4.    Cholesterol Problems

High cholesterol increases the chances of heart disease. It’s a leading death cause for adults in America. Cholesterol refers to a waxy substance in blood fat that is essential for your body to function properly. However, too much cholesterol can block your arteries, interrupting blood circulation.

5.    Upper Respiratory Problems (Not Including Asthma)

Upper respiratory problems commonly occur during fall and wintertime. The upper respiratory system includes your throat, sinuses, and nose. Symptoms for an upper respiratory problem include a sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, runny nose, facial pressure or pain, and congestion.

A man feeling chest pain.

6.    Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety

Depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety are common mental health issues that affect millions of Americans every year. Patients who experience mental health problems visit doctors more often than patients with physical disorders. This is because mental health problems are difficult to treat and require more visits to a doctor.

7.    High Blood Pressure

Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which heart arteries are subjected to steady, constant pressure, weakening the heart muscles. Hypertension leads to kidney failures, strokes, and heart attacks and increases your risk of developing blood clots.

8.    Migraine and Headaches

Headache can occur at any region of the head, whereas migraine is a type of headache that causes throbbing pain at one side of your head. It lasts for a few hours or even days at a time, causing sensitivity to sound and light, vomiting, and nausea.

9.    Diabetes

29.1 million Americans have diabetes. The situation is critical as more cases are coming forward each year. If left untreated, diabetes can cause kidney diseases, amputations, strokes, and heart diseases.

The Bottom Line

Visiting a doctor also means getting costly prescriptions and medication. If you’re looking for full-service prescription assistance, Advocate My Meds can help you! We offer financial assistance for prescriptions relating to asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and mental disabilities. Get in touch with us today to enroll in our prescription assistance program.