What To Do If You’ve Been Termed Pre-Diabetic?

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What To Do If You’ve Been Termed Pre-Diabetic?

Checking blood sugar

Diabetes is closely related to insulin resistance and the issues people have in their diets when dealing with highly processed food. Diabetes grows more common worldwide, especially in developed countries with a more sedentary lifestyle than others.

Before you contract the disease of diabetes, there will be a time that you’re pre-diabetic. Your pre-diabetic phase is alarming, but there are activities you can do here that will prevent you from delving into complete diabetes.

What is Pre-Diabetic?

A person is prediabetic when they are on the verge of having diabetes. It’s a serious health conditions, and most people try their absolute best to avoid it in any possible way.  In America, being pre-diabetic is quite common.

Pre-diabetes essentially means that you have a higher blood sugar than normal. However, this sugar level is not still so high that it would be considered as type 2 diabetes.

How Do You Know You’re Pre-Diabetic?

Well, the simplest way of knowing that you’re pre-diabetic is going to a doctor and having them inform you. They will check your blood sugar levels after fasting and let you know any issues you may be facing. If you’re pre-diabetic, you may have to gain some diabetes prescription assistance to keep your blood sugar at a regular.

Here are some signs you may be pre-diabetic.

  1. You’re overweight
  2. You’re older than 45 years
  3. Having a parent or sibling with type II diabetes
  4. You’re not physically active
  5. You have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Diabetes in writing

What to do if You’ve Been Termed Pre-Diabetic?

Now that you know what you’re looking for, there are some things that you can do when you’re pre-diabetic and don’t want to become completely diabetic.

1. Lose Some Weight

If you’re overweight, then chances are your pre-diabetes will exacerbate into diabetes too. More than losing weight, it’s also about getting physically active to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes development.  You can just get done with 30 minutes a day, five days a week, and you’ll be all okay.

2. Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is the best addition to your diet. Don’t stick to only foods with saturated fats and oils or high sodium and sugar levels. Instead, you want to opt for things that are good for your gut. So always opt for green leafy vegetables and fruits for proper nutrition. You may also want to limit the amount of processed sugar you are using in your diet once you’re prediabetic.

3. Manage Stress and Stay Motivated

Once you’ve been diagnosed, you will find that you can feel quite fatigued, and here is where you want to start bringing in people for support so that they can elevate you and make you feel better.

Learn How to Reduce Your Chances for Diabetes as a Pre-Diabetic Using Advocate My Meds

Being pre-diabetic is not easy by any means but there are certain measures that you can take to avoid full-blown diabetes later in life. Advocate My Meds ensures you know how to navigate your journey as a pre-diabetic to avoid diabetes.

Contact Advocate My Meds and submit your details to start your enrollment process. You may be dealing with diabetes or more serious diseases like Tuberculosis, or heart-diseases but we can help you get full-service prescriptions.

You must find out if you’re eligible for the full-service prescription assistance programs but they’re incredibly helpful and will assist your journey as a prediabetic. We use the Federal Poverty Guidelines as a defining metric to assess the legitimacy of cases so we know what’s fair.

If you are experiencing any discomfort as a pre-diabetic, don’t wait any longer. Contact us at Advocate My Meds, and let us help you as soon as possible! We offer Janssen, Merck, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson prescription assistance.


Disclaimer: This article is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for medical advice

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