Living Healthy With Type 2 Diabetes

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Living Healthy With Type 2 Diabetes


Obesity has become popular in America. The food portions are growing larger and so are out bellies. There are 29 million American children and adults that have diabetes and there are even more that are undiagnosed.

Type 2 diabetes is usually discovered in ones adulthood. 90-95 out of 100 people that have diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Type 1 cannot be prevented, but type 2 diabetes can be prevented with healthy eating and exercise. Here are ways to live healthy through diet and exercise to prevent type 2 diabetes or help maintain it.

Make Healthy Food Choices

We are faced with choices everyday in life. We could have fast food for lunch or we could get a salad. These day-to-day choices make in a difference in your overall health. When you have the choice to eat healthy, you should do it. Extra calories and fat will not help manage type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Superfoods

There are superfoods that can help with diabetes meal plans. These superfoods have a low glycemic index and provide nutrients most foods are lacking such as calcium, fiber, magnesium, and potassium. These diabetes superfoods arediabetes

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Berries
  • Citrus Fruit
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Fat-free milk

Basically all these food are natural and from the Earth without preservatives. These types of foods will help manage type 2 diabetes and provide a healthier lifestyle.

The worst foods you should avoid are foods with high saturated fats, fried food and starchy vegetable. Dried fruits may look healthy because they are fruits but they actually usually have high amounts of sugars.

Daily Exercise

diabetesExercise on the regular is extremely important, especially if your job requires you to be sitting for a long period of time. You should try to move your body even if it is low-impact exercising like walking. There are many different ways to exercise.

You can join a gym. Most gyms have fitness classes. Many people like group fitness because it makes it fun and you can still socialize. Bike riding is common too because you get to sit-see in the process.