Discovering Information About Anemia Symptoms and Treatment

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Discovering Information About Anemia Symptoms and Treatment

Discovering Information About Anemia Symptoms and Treatment

Do you constantly feel fatigued and tired? Have you been short of breath or heart palpitations? Have your hands or feet felt somewhat numb? If you have experienced any of all of these things, it is possible that you have been feeling symptoms of anemia. It is important that you see a doctor as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis. But, having information about anemia might help you to understand exactly what you are feeling. Knowing more about anemia symptoms and treatment can be beneficial for you and allow you to seek the most helpful medical attention.

What is Anemia?

Anemia is a blood disorder that can be caused by the decreasing of red blood cells in the body, heavy blood loss, or extreme blood cell destruction. The blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of the body. Most people who have anemia have an iron deficiency, which is needed for the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that gives red blood cells their red color. It is also the vehicle that carries oxygen throughout the body. Because of the lack of iron, the production of hemoglobin is decreased, which then causes one to become anemic.

What are the Signs of Anemia?

People who are anemic will most likely feel fatigue and tired quite often; fatigue is the most common symptom of this blood disorder. This symptom occurs because of the lack of proper oxygen transfer within the body. This issue with oxygen also causes shortness of breath as the body speeds up its breathing rate in an attempt to get more oxygen. Headaches may also be a result of the hemoglobin reduction and low oxygen supply. Since the brain does not receive the proper amount of oxygen, the blood vessels swell. This causes one to feel the pain or pressure known as a headache. Dizziness may also accompany headaches.

Another common sign of the presence of anemia is the craving of items like ice or starch. This craving is known as “pica” and its cause is unknown. Even so, anemia is commonly characterized by it. Paleness of skin is another sign of anemia. This is due to the loss of the redness of blood cells, which results in the loss of the rosy colored appearance in the skin of anemic individuals. As the heart works harder to produce enough oxygen-rich blood for the body, its pump rate may increase, resulting in heart palpitations. In rare extreme cases, the result may be an enlarged heart or heart failure.

Coldness in the hands and feet is also a common sign of anemia. Some people who have anemia may experience dry hair or damaged nails due to the lack of oxygen. They may even have hair loss because of this. Others may encounter oddities within their mouths. The tongue may become swollen or inflamed; the mouth may be dry.

Risk Factors for Anemia

There are many things that could cause people to become anemic; risk factors are abundant. Anemia can run in families and may be genetically passed down. Young children could become anemic because of their speedy growth; their quickly growing bodies may not be able to produce enough iron. A woman who experiences heavy menstrual bleeding may be at risk for becoming anemic. Pregnancy could also lead to anemia. This is because the blood produced by the pregnant woman’s body must also be shared with the baby; which can be difficult because the body may not generate enough red blood cells. People who have or have had cancer, ulcers, surgery or any large amount of blood loss could develop anemia.

Addressing Anemia Symptoms and Treatment With Rx Helper

Fortunately, anemia is a blood disorder that can be treated. Prescription medications are available. If your doctor has prescribed a helpful medication that is a little out of your price range, there is no need to worry. Advocate My Meds is an organization that helps you get the medication you need by reducing the amount you need to pay. It is our mission to give you less to worry about financially so that you can focus on getting well. Now that you know more about anemia symptoms and treatment, we can help you obtain the necessary medication. You can take a look at the medications we help with here and contact us today to get qualification information.