Having Difficulty Paying for your Arthritis Medication?
Over one and a half million Americans struggle daily with Rheumatoid Arthritis. If you are one of these Americans, you may be having trouble paying for your Arthritis medication. With the costs of prescription medications constantly on the rise, hard working citizens are struggling to pay the costs of their daily medicinal doses. If you are one of these individuals with a prescription to Xeljanz, a commonly prescribed Rheumatoid Arthritis medication, Advocate My Meds may be able to help you pay for it through our patient assistance programs.
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
To understand how Xeljanz arthritis medication works, we must understand the condition it treats. Rheumatoid Arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disease that causes pain in joints. Those with this disease have immune systems that do not function properly. In most, the immune system is what works to fight illness. In those with RA, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells. Mainly what is attacked in RA patients is the thin film,synovium, that encases the joints. Repeated attack of these cells causes constant inflammation, which in turn brings pain. Along with pain, repeated inflammation can cause eventual joint damage.
RA: An Accelerating Disease
In those that are experiencing symptoms of RA, the disease can start to damage joints in as little as three months. Permanent joint damage can be seen within two years of those diagnosed. Joint damage and pain can cause trouble with walking, gripping, and performing daily tasks. Eventually, joint damage caused by RA can lead to disability. Fortunately, there is a prescription medication that works to alleviate RA symptoms, preventing further joint damage, and aid an individual’s ability to perform tasks in their daily lives.
Important Information about the Arthritis Medication Xeljanz
If you are experiencing symptoms of RA, considering asking your doctor about the prescription medication Xeljanz. This arthritis medication works to change immune cell signals that begin the inflammation process, which is what causes the joint damage in RA patients. This arthritis medication is a capsule that is taken once daily, and does not require any other medications be taken concurrently. Before taking this medication, tell your doctor if you are prescribed any other medication that may interfere with Xeljanz. Taking this medication can reduce your immune system’s ability to fight off virus, disease, and infection. Tell your doctor if you are experiencing any side effect.
Paying for Xeljanz
If you are considering asking your doctor or already have a prescription for Xeljanz, you may need help paying for it. Daily medications can get expensive, especially with the big pharmaceutical companies we have setting prices today. To help those with little or no medication, Advocate My Meds has come up with a patient assistance program to help those that cannot afford their medication costs. Xeljanz is on the list of medications that we provide a discount for. If you are interested in seeing what our patient assistance programs can do for you, please visit our website to learn more.