Eligibility for Prescription Assistance
Advocate My Meds closely reviews and is intimately familiar with the eligibility for prescription assistance guidelines, which vary by pharmaceutical company, disease and treatment. It is our mission to help you finance your prescriptions, so we will work quickly and collaboratively to determine your eligibility for our program.
Income Guidelines
We exist to help those that struggle the most with paying for medications: the people without insurance and/or in economic hardship. Though definition of this term may vary, we frequently use the Federal Poverty Guidelines as a starting point. Adjusting for the size of your household, you will likely qualify if your household income is 400% below the Federal Poverty line. The table below outlines house sizes and incomes that qualify according to this formula:

Medical Guidelines
Your eligibility for prescription assistance may also be contingent on your insurance, the pharmaceutical company in question, and the specific medication you need. Some may only qualify if they have no insurance, while other insurance companies will provide a sliding scale of co-payments when you cannot afford your co-pay or meet your deductible.
Determining Your Eligibility for Prescription Assistance
Because we want to provide financial assistance to as many people as we can, we review each applicant’s eligibility with the utmost scrutiny. After contacting us via phone, email or through our website, one of our trained specialists will conduct a comprehensive interview with you. We will go over your diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, insurance coverage (or lack thereof), and any other detail in order to assist you as best as we can.
If and when you qualify, you can count on the Advocate My Meds team to guide you through the rest of the process from start to finish. We assist you with everything from securing refills to updating your enrollment status, and we are always available for any questions you may have.
Give us a call anytime to start the enrollment process – we are here to help, and better treatment without financial burdens may be only a phone call away!