Eliquis Prescription Assistance

Eliquis Prescription Assistance

The prevalence of atrial fibrillation cases is on the rise in America. The condition causes the heart’s two upper chambers to be out of sync, which creates irregular rhythm and leads to a lot of chest pain and shortness of breath. If you suffer from the disease and notice redness, swelling, or tenderness in any area of your leg or arm, then this could be due to a blood clot, which is a complication of atrial fibrillation. Eliquis has been a lifesaver for thousands of people around the globe who develop these blood clots.

Why is Eliquis Important?

The drug is prescribed to people who develop a blood clot after a hip or knee surgery or due to atrial fibrillation. The doctor decides the description based on factors such as your kidney health, weight, age, and medical history. Generally, the prescription is taken twice daily every twelve hours, either by swallowing the tablet with water or by drinking the crushed tablet in apple sauce, apple juice, or plain water. For best results, the drug is advised to be taken at the same time every day.

Side Effects

It’s important to consult the doctor as the medication will have varying effects on different persons. Tell them if you have bleeding problems or blood disorders, or issues with your kidney or liver. The drug can affect the proteins in the blood clotting, which could lead to side effects such as serious bleeding from cuts, nosebleeds, and nausea. Other side effects include black or bloody stools, dark or pink urine, weakness, fainting, severe headache, prolonged menstrual flow, and vision changes.



How Can Eliquis Prescription Assistance Help?

Patients are strongly advised by doctors not to stop taking the drug as it could make their conditions a lot worse. Due to the economy, a lot of people are struggling to afford this life-saving drug. This is why a reputable prescription assistance program like  Advocate My Meds offers Eliquis prescription assistance.

The full-service prescription assistance organization that a proven track record of assisting customers so that they don’t run out of critical medication such as Eliquis. Our portfolio has over 1,500 name-brand and generic drugs, including Pfizer prescription assistance, Merck prescription assistance, and Johnson and Johnson patient assistance.

Check out our eligibility criteria here.

Reach out to us today for help. Get enrolled now.

Disclaimer: This information is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for medical advice.